PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE: Decorated war veteran and State Alchemist of the Ivonan armed forces, known best for his exploits during the Ishval Campaign. SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE: The older of a pair of twins born to the Hijikata Family... he was taken out of the house right after his mother popped him out. He considers himself lucky. POP CULTURE PHENOMENON?: Most definitely in Ivona, and likely in the Badlands and maybe even, perhaps, for some Vohemaran soldier types. Also a household name in the Academy, and among alchemists.
SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE: The older of a pair of twins born to the Hijikata Family... he was taken out of the house right after his mother popped him out. He considers himself lucky.
POP CULTURE PHENOMENON?: Most definitely in Ivona, and likely in the Badlands and maybe even, perhaps, for some Vohemaran soldier types. Also a household name in the Academy, and among alchemists.
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