PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE: Leo is a relative of old "Hell" Mel de Alkirk, an infamous pirate turned famous hero turned governor. He was formerly a Captain of a ship called the Destiny, tasked with capturing rogue criminals attempting to flee Ivona.
SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE: Leo's parents are dead, and his younger sister Mauri was barely saved by a "miracle from Althena". Before being captain of the Destiny, he worked under the command of Ghaleon, an old hero who fought alongside Mel de Alkirk. He wields the sword of the late swordsman Dyne, yet another old hero and a close friend of Ghaleon's. He has killed many of the men and women who resisted arrest by the Destiny.
POP CULTURE PHENOMENON?: His name is well-known in Ivona's military and among worshipers of the goddess Althena. Due to his work as Captain of the Destiny, word of him has started to spread through Ivona and the Badlands, and in Ivona some have even started to refer to him as the "White Knight". Most people in the Badlands, however, prefer to refer to him as an arrogant fop.
SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE: Leo's parents are dead, and his younger sister Mauri was barely saved by a "miracle from Althena". Before being captain of the Destiny, he worked under the command of Ghaleon, an old hero who fought alongside Mel de Alkirk. He wields the sword of the late swordsman Dyne, yet another old hero and a close friend of Ghaleon's. He has killed many of the men and women who resisted arrest by the Destiny.
POP CULTURE PHENOMENON?: His name is well-known in Ivona's military and among worshipers of the goddess Althena. Due to his work as Captain of the Destiny, word of him has started to spread through Ivona and the Badlands, and in Ivona some have even started to refer to him as the "White Knight". Most people in the Badlands, however, prefer to refer to him as an arrogant fop.
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