Well now, I wouldn't want to interfere with your schoolwork, Alita-doll, but iffin you're taking civics this year (I remember some fuss about it becomin' a senior-level course because iffin you're too young to vote it's not that interestin' to you, and that's a crying shame), maybe it would be worth your while to ask if volunteering for a campaign would earn you extra credit, hey?
Sherriff-coroner's an elected official who takes care of public health issues, including murder, which is the biggest public health issue of all. It would be my job to compile statistics, educate people about public health crises, sign off on death warrants both natural and unnatural, etc. You registered to vote, Madame Maya, doll?
Ah. Your comments on my previous entry now make sense. Well. The points of your platform as enumerated above are compelling, but I would appreciate a few more ways you differ from your esteemed opponent. In what way could you make my job easier, Doctor?
I've got to admit, prosecutor, I'm not intimately familiar with the everyday workings of the coroner's office yet, but it strikes me that there's one thing that would make your job easier, and that would be scientific co-operation. Sure, you've got your CSIs working directly under you, reporting to the state, but what follow-up is there with the coroner after he's scrawled their John Hancock on the death certificate, guaranteeing his M.E.'s work without knowing all that much about it? None, I'd wager, since you don't have a doc for a coroner. I will be personally available to consult with you on autopsy reports and all their complications, on the state's dime, mm-hmm. A lot of controversial determinations, like time of death, can be bound to ruin a case if the coroner doesn't have your back.
True, but I'm more concerned with accuracy and so on. Having someone trustworthy to confirm that diagnosis would be a useful thing. I will read up on your opponents positions and inform myself before voting. Thank you for your time and I wish you good luck.
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