Allen Walker
fadingnoxAge: 21
During the middle of the final battle, the Fourteenth took over Allen's body after the Earl nearly killed him. Though the Fourteenth wanted to kill his "brother", he held back when Cross appeared with the spell. When the war was over, Fourteenth continued to take over and wandered away from the Order. He still kept in contact with Cross and ran into Bookman Jr. several times.
Allen began to reemerge from the depths of his mind while Fourteenth was slowly retreating. However, the process was slow that it ended up causing Allen to go into a mental breakdown. No one heard from him ever since until two years later when Allen was 21. He still has trouble dealing with the Fourteenth's retreat back into his mind and suffers seeing the Fourteenth's memories as the Noah is slowly beginning to fade. There are times that Allen suddenly blacks out and attacks anyone around him.
Lenalee Lee
Age: 22
After the war, Lenalee stayed behind in the Order with Komui. Her legs became paralyzed after the war because of her Innocence. Naturally, without the use of her legs, Lenalee was depressed, but continued to act as though she was fine with it. She ended up helping take care of unfinished paperwork that her brother didn't finish. However, Lenalee does end up suffering chronic depression time to time due to the Innocence within her body.
Fortunately, Komui is always there for Lenalee so she doesn't suffer the depression too much.
Kanda Yuu
Age: 24
During the war, Kanda suddenly began to lose himself when the lotus flower began to wilt even more. It became even worse when he became a crystal-type. Luckily, Tiedoll and Marie were there to help Kanda become a bit more stable enough to help finish the war. However, once the war was over and Tiedoll died, Kanda began to switch being his usual self and to being a lost child - something that is just a tad similar to when he was a child but no memories. Kanda stayed behind at the Order with Marie.
Usually, he would "turn" into a lost child when something tragic will occur. However, with Marie and everyone else by his side, Kanda won't have to deal with this on his own. Even when he declares that he can.