Upheavel and Uprising

Mar 09, 2004 18:58

A/N: Some entrys may contain small cursing.

Hearing, Sight, Taste, Touch, and Smell. The five senses. Which would be the worst one for you to lose, and why?

Ahh.. In the sence that I do expiriments using all the sences. I would have to pick smell. Only the reason why is because you lose smell you lose taste. So, you infact lose two sences instead of one. But why am I explaining this? *laughs* I should answer the other question as you asked "why?". I lose the taste I can't tell which plant is which. Also, I can't tell if my weed I sell is good. So, since taste and smell go into one. I see that it's crazy to one agian. I'll tell you a situation.

I was in my greenhouse backroom checking out my shit like that. Until Ginger comes up asking me for some shit.

Ginger- Hey. You got the stuff? I need it for the guys.

Sam- What guys are you refurring to?

Ginger- You know... The jack asses.

Sam- ya. thats right. Let me check if this shits still good. You wanna smell it too?

Ginger- I'll pass.

I sniff the stash I had and it smelt good. So, I was good to sell it.

See it I didn't have the sence of smell I would have given away bad weed.

Muse: Sam
Fandom: Ginger Snaps

It was a sunny day out. Yes. Like usual I look up to the clouds. They form crazy shapes. I also see the children playing outside and then everything stops and turns to darkness. You ask why? I see that tree. It's black frame still standing sturdy and strong. You wonder why? So, I get up from the ground and look around me. Of course everything around me is in slow motion. The children now turned into dark figures that are shaped in black capes. I wonder what tbey will do. But I walk to that tree and poke it with my pale finger. My mouth opens and nothing comes out. The tree that was now standing there turned into dust. And the children who were turned into black capes now stand in front of me with their finger's pointing straight at me. They start mummbling something I haven't ever heard of. I ask them. But nothing comes out and I speak with my mind.

"Why do you accuse me? WHAT do you accuse me of?", I ask them in my mind.

A tear runs down my face.

"You were never the life shown. You were weak and we all know that. The knowledge that you kept has fallen. Like the tree that stands. It still will be there. Just search for it. We accuse you not being there for us. Your brother is one of them. But has fogiven. Now understand. The tree will be back...", the first to the left black caped child said to my mind.

I close my eyes and then open them.
There was the tree that stood alive, green, and tall. As it was before dead, black, and old. I now look behind me. The children are gone except one. My brother. Even if his death hurt me. I love him. I run to him. A five year old he was and hugged him.

The reason why I put this daydream in is because I see it as I spend time with little brother.

Muse: Sam
Fandom: Ginger Snaps

What would you like on your gravestone?

"Too nothing in less as it seems. I was never a winner nor a loser. I would always seem to be the outcast. But you knew me well. You loved me. Now I am loved. Even though I lie here in peace. You come visit me".

You ask em why I write something that is crazy. I made it my self... It's from my mind and my mind only. I am the outcast, loser,winner, and loved. Why is that all in one? I can tell you that one qoute that is your own can always fill your request of life.

Muse: Sam
Fandom: Ginger Snaps
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