(Because I posted twice in one day at the beginning of the month, tomorrow's will be #31.)
Today, because I can: musing about Kindle books, interesting food at the Asian markets, and some deep thoughts about sexuality.
Kindle books: I like them, but have yet to actually read one on my Kindle.
Yep, you read that right: all I've read so far on my Kindle is fanfic.
Today I read some Supernatural crack!fic at lunch and was giggling/agog most of the time.
It's a nice break in the middle of the day and I think it's a great use of the Kindle.
(You can either download books as .pdf and convert to mobi (usable by a Kindle) using
Calibre or download from AO3 as a mobi. I do both, especially considering that I literally have hundreds of fic that I have downloaded as pdfs for easy reading on my computer. It takes a while to process that many using Calibre, but I usually queue them up before bed. I also use a Workflow to re-name my pdfs something easy to figure out (i.e. armes_xxx or spork_xxx [wow that looks like porn but I was using the xs like math xs, so]) first so they're easy to categorize once on my Kindle. Takes a while, but so worth it. I also have been known to use Pages to export documents as PDF, especially when the fic isn't from AO3.)
Random (delicious) Asian food of the day: Dried Red Yam. So weird that a "dried red yam" search in Google turns up one result.
Sort of like a Googlewhack, but with the "cheater" quotation marks.
It's sweet, like yams are, and incredibly chewy/leathery.
And satisfying, so.
Also I got some "Bomb Bread", which is shaped like a bomb (or like a Bomb Pop:
). It's sort of buttery/coconutty with raisins inside. Crumbly but delicious. I would re-buy, for sure.
And now for the serious portion of today's blog post.
It's about
I'm going to talk about it in the broadest sense, largely because I can't really claim to be a part of the community.
The excuse is that lack of experience = lack of ability to say with certainty.
Oh, wait.
That's one of the spaces on the Troll Bingo card!
(There are Bingo cards like these available for just about everything. I checked.)
I'm not saying I am or am not, but it was brought to my attention today in the oddest of ways.
Here goes:
How do you describe a person you would like to spend time with in a way that is not sexual?
Give up?
So did I.
I realised when I was describing an individual that I was interested in (not really romantically or sexually, just friend-ally) that the language I was using was inherently sexual, rather than platonic.
After a certain age, when we say we "like" someone, it seems as though the jump is always to either a) "But not that way!" or b) "And so I will secretly lust after zhim". There is no alternative, which makes sense given the American emphasis on sex and sexual mystique and sexual attraction and sexyness, but also manages to oppress/exclude any other options, including asexual interestedness.
I have long bemoaned the fate of American English--a language which has literally hundreds of words for sugar but only one for "love", making it impossible to tell someone that you love them, like a sister/brother/friend/etc without making a whole big production out of it.
So, here I am, making a big production out of it: if you know me in RL, I love you (in a familial way).
If I don't know you in RL, I would love to get to know you. :)