Title: Never Close Our Eyes Pairing: Kris Allen/Adam Lambert Genre: Space Privateer AU, Romance, Action Word Count: 14,300 Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Sexual Content, Violence, Strong Language
Really interesting premise. I was wondering if Kris was some sort of projection when he kept disappearing on injured Adam. I would love to read more of this story if you are planning a prequel or sequel or series. If not, this was a great stand alone piece. But I really do want more!!!
I don't know why I should be surprised Kris lives in a bracelet ... its sci fi after all. YOu had me fooled, I thought everyone could see Kris and now it makes that make out session with Kris riding Adam even more hot ... get his crew members comment about not seeing it now ... double meaning
Comments 10
Great job
Deb :)
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