The next episode of "Denouement" is completed but sadly has not been returned from editing yet. The episode will be posted tomorrow.
In the meantime, enjoy a small snippet of episode five "Atonement".
There is a weight with veins that weave through the solid metal with a beating spirit in the core. The weight lives, pumping the blood through its veins every single day. The days are drawn out, painted with loss and confusion. The weight’s mind often contemplates the decisions of the past with painstaking agony. That weight with its mind and core is my heart. I live with the guilt and grief of letting you go. Years ago, so long ago that you cannot remember, I was faced with a reckoning. I could have kept you with me, could have run away and never looked back to the odd surroundings that had somehow become my life. Or I could have given you up in hopes that the darkness would not follow you into a new home with parents who were not hunted by secret governments or alien beings.
I do not need to tell you the path that I set into motion. I loved you more than anything in the entire world, and I knew that I could not keep you safe. As I signed the papers that would make you no longer mine, I signed away a piece of my soul. I know that I can no longer claim you as my son, but I feel the motherly instincts that have grown inside of me are not so easily put at ease with the idea of you not in my arms. My heart tells me that giving you away for a life without constantly looking behind your back, a life without the darkness, a life without the fear, was not in the cards.
You see, Sweet William, you are part Mulder and you are part Scully. That small fact automatically gives you the burden of birthright. My attempt at keeping you safe backfired in the worst ways as I see you following in the same footsteps as your father. I watch in pain as you battle through the smoke with only a heart of valor and desperation for the truth. I fear the consequences of my rash actions all those years ago, of my once rational brain thinking irrationally out of panic and loneliness has put you in the greatest danger imaginable.
As your father and I paste together the pieces of the truth, we fear for our only son. I fear that your obsession for the truths that you are not meant to know will break you. I watched years before your father searching for those truths. I watched as his family was picked off one by one, watched as he raged a battle within himself. When the curtains were drawn back and the truth laid out in a carefully painted façade, I watched a part of your father die. I cannot watch that happen to you, William. I cannot sit back and watch as these truths slowly aid in your destruction. So I beg of you, if you decide to soldier through this journey, please be careful with each decision you face and place your trust wisely. The truths are out there, my son.
The truth is not engrained into science or some other worldly plane. The truth is within you. The truth is within me. Within your father. The truth is the core of our own hearts; and by looking deep enough, can be revealed. I hope that you do not have to trudge this voyage alone. I pray that you have had the chance to meet your perfect other, your protector, like I have in your father.