
Jan 07, 2013 21:54

If they are trying to raise our levels of alert-ness to from ‘mildly alarmed’ to ‘out-and-out panicky’, they’re doing a really good job ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

maewyn_2 January 7 2013, 11:48:33 UTC
I've watched the terrible fires in Tasmania on TV. It's heartbreaking.

It's a real worry with such high temperatures - it doesn't take much to set off a fire in those conditions, especially if there's a wind behind it. I really hope this doesn't happen. We don't need any more tragedy.

We had our heatwave last week and luckily escaped without major fires breaking out. We've had high humidity today - ugh! It's currently 32 at 7.45 pm and tomorrow's forecast is for 40! *sigh*


samaranth January 9 2013, 07:28:13 UTC
I feel a bit if a wimp for complaining because others (you!) have had it so much worse. And today we've had some relief from it, though apparently that's going to be short-lived.

I think the thing that was worrying me the most was the media frenzy - honestly, you'd have thought the apocalypse was nigh.

The Tasmanian fires are dreadful. I remember when I was about 10 we had a casual teacher from Tassie, and she showed us slides of her home state. In amongst them I remember images of chimneys...all that was left of so many houses after the '67 fires. I remember the coverage of that on TV too - the grainy black and white images of figures desperately hosing down their properties. Living in bush land as we did it made it all so frighteningly possible. In fact, I think when I was very small I packed a little suitcase so I'd be ready if we had to evacuate.

No wonder I want to live in the middle of the city now!

I hope things settle down over your way. It's going to be a long summer, I think.


maewyn_2 January 9 2013, 08:57:44 UTC
Today is absolutely lovely! It's currently 26 and the forecast is for "cool" (low 30's) through until Monday when it heads back up to 36.

I know what you mean with the media. I even get the sneaking feeling that they'd be almost disappointed if a larger disaster doesn't eventuate...

We had our big disastrous bush fires at Dwellingup in 1961. Even though we didn't have the immediacy of live television coverage back then, I remember it splashed all over the newspapers of the time. The fires lasted for 41 days. People talked about it for years.

Yes, I'm well and truly over summer already!


shirebound January 7 2013, 13:04:45 UTC
It sounds dreadful! I'm sending good (cold, wet) thoughts that there are no fires.


samaranth January 9 2013, 07:31:51 UTC
So far so good, Shirebound. No catastrophic events, though many fires burning across the state, quite a few out of control. Tasmania has had the worst of it this time around. :( we could certainly do with some rain though!


sistermagpie January 8 2013, 02:31:51 UTC
This kind of thing is so scary.


samaranth January 9 2013, 10:46:41 UTC
Exactly! Some of the stories from Tasmania are pretty amazing, terrifying. And I don’t think I’ll forget this image.


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