Title: Be Happy, Baby (Chapter 19) er, maybe 18 and 1/2?
Author: samberrie (itsa me)
Pairing: All John/Paul for this part, implied G/R
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Naughty language, crude humor, angst, depression
Time Frame: Second American Tour, 1965.
Summary: In this chapter, John can’t stand the noise.
Disclaimer!: I own no Beatles. None of their songs
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Comments 16
Ya know, I would quote my favorite lines in this chapter, but alas, I'd be quoting the whole story. Lol.
I do particularly like the last line: That motto being that no one, including Paul McFuckingCartney, would ever be worthy of his tears.
I admit, that would be something I'd say to myself if someone ever did that to me (cuz... it has... *weep* Not exactly the same, mind you, but something a lot like it.)
You seem to impress me more and more with each chapter! Go you~ Keep it up, and, of course, I cannot wait for the next magical-tastic chapter. ♥
Same fo' me as well, even though I'm only in high school lol. Teenagers can fall in love-ish too..
D'aww, thanks! I encountered a wall of blockage after I finished this next chapter and I don't like to post unless I've got like 1 or more chapters done ahead of the current one, but I still will because I'm pretty excited about it!
I'm kind of like 20 CHAPTER? HORY SHET, GOTTA MAKE IT GOOD YA! Which I think I succeeded in.
I'm babbling nao. Sowennnniways, danka dear. :)
I hope he and Paul work these things out soon!
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