Title: The Arts (Ch. 3)
samberrieRating: PG-13
Pairing: George/Ringo
Timeframe: 1957, but thinking more 1959-ish in the looks department.
Warnings: Getting’ that AU vibe, language - barely, eventual under-aged sex, and angst. Nothing too awful but yeah, there’s yer warning.
Summary: Richard Starkey has recently been hired at the hip NEMS shop in
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Comments 14
Argh, I'm sorry about the long wait. I was sort of stuck in a conflicted limbo, you see. I wanted to finish BHB before going onto this, which made any and all of my updates stall. I'm going to try and get these chapters going though. No more 4 month waits, lol. But oh man, that's what I like to hear. Imagining scenes from my stories when seeing pictures, right on!
I thought it would fit John's character as well, the whole questioning scene. Glad you can see it too. As for the whole J/P thing, it's hard to resist pulling hints in here and there tee hee. I mean what's one pairing without the other? Nothing, that's what ( ... )
Ugh, you're too kind. Your smile makes me smile and the sun shines bright and we all make love. More soon, I pwomise.
Boy, you've been MIA for a while, I was starting to wonder what happened to ya.
But any-whore, YAY! UPDATE!!! Gosh, teasing me with this "Spending the day with George" idea and making me wait until next chapter to see it! GAH! Can't wait!
I hope you can find time and creativity to finish your other fic, too btw!
But I get off on teasing you, didn't you know! That's totes my fetish, yes. I'll try not to tease you for too long though, winky wink. More on the way soon! Thanks for the comment :)
Oh, I see, just a big tease you are, then! I hope it's worth all the killing suspense!
Next chapter coming soon!
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