Title: Be Happy, Baby (Chapter 14)
Author: samberrie (itsa me)
Pairing: All John/Paul
Rating: I’ll say R, although it’s halfway to NC-17.
Warnings: Naughty language, crude humor, sexual mentioning’s, and er, dry humping?
Time Frame: Second American Tour, 1965.
Summary: In this chapter, it’s, er, still the start of the boy’s free day.
Disclaimer!: I own no
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Comments 14
Don't ever apologize for long chapters. I LIVE for long chapters. Especially ones that involve ridiculously hot sexytimes. MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR MOAR
Well this chapter was kind of hasty since I wanted to get it posted but I'm glad you still like it!!
Moar sune, deer... moar sune.. C: And I'll keep that in mind hehe, next chapter is turning out long as well.
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Er, next chapter is pretty much all porn (I think) but there'll be some angst as well :D But I'm glad that my jokes that I throw in there are enjoyable! Yay!
I truely love your humor! I like a story that can genuinly make me laugh!
And, you have a way with smut, my friend! Bravo~!
An incredible spark jolted through his groin as he unintentionally grinded into John’s own erection through the coarse fabric of their trousers. John let out a breathy moan into his ear and started rolling his hips, aiming for that dizzying spark again. “Oh fuck…” Paul growled out when John’s hip bones dug into his, erection pressing more forcefully onto Paul’s.
Wow, just... wow... <3 Love, love, LOVE it.
I cannot wait for the next chapter, you have no idea!! X3
I just have a passion for comedy, I would love to be on a sketch comedy show or something. My life would be complete.. C:
Making your day is a win! Hurray! I was so happy that you'd finished your art because I was secretly waiting to finish this chapter until then. I literally just finished this at like 11:52 pm, three minutes before I posted it lmao. I was like "No proofreading for you chapter 14..." Pretty sure I wrote everything except the beginning in about three hours so *phew* glad everyone seems to like it so far.
I'll try and be as fast as I can, but remember... I'm not the gingerbread man ;D Hahah I couldn't resist rhyming that.
Oh, well thank goodness I worked on it, then! Sometimes it takes me days, or weeks to finish a piece! Lol! I didn't find anything wrong with it! Seemed perfectly fine to me. :)
Take your time! Oh, you and your wonderful rhyme! (I can't rhym to save my life... and yet I tried, lol.)
I love the plot of this. I have a thing for whole-band gay spells and you write it so well. I really dig your sense of humour, too - half my life is spent upsetting people with satire and sarcasm! Wahey!
I won't pick out lines because there are too many over the whole thing that have been t'rrific, but that tickle the pickle line was too good. I'm British and I've never heard anyone say that, but I'll definitely make sure I say it enough for everyone I know to be forced to integrate it into their speech.
Yeah, and you write good porn. Especially the end to this chapter. Boys on their knees is my raison d'être. More smut please vicar.
Update soon please, yer jus too fabulous! <3
And I haven't had any complaints so far, so that's a plus.
I have another smutty scene planned for George and Ringo in about two chapters or so, won't keep ya waiting too long haha.
Glad you liked this anyways! Hope you'll enjoy the next J/P part, but if you don't that's okay too. :3
Really can't wait for the next part now.
That's so sweet, that this is your favorite! Big compliment to me, thank you! Hot is what I aim for dear so I'm glad I met my goal, tee hee.
Well.. I hope you don't hate the next chapter, lmao. Thank you for the nice comment!
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