Sep 19, 2006 07:46
Its International talk like ye olde pirate day har! Any mangy cur found not speaking pirate will be keel-hauled by the toes.
Fresh Fish! Fresh Blubber! Lose ye weight here matey!
(its weigh in day)
Make ye guess, or volunteer for Her Majesty's Navy!
(make a guess or bugger off)
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Comments 7
The battle for the Gobi desert continues.
Episode 1
-Begin transmission-
Unfortunately Lt. Weighing Scale reports that the odds are not tipping to my favor. It seems that the devious mastermind 1kg has crept back into the main camp. Muscle intelligence cannot figure out if it is really just actually one of his new recruits or the horrible fatty spy. Commander Willpower has been losing rather spectacularly to General Gluttony on the diet side of the field. Many calories have been sacrificed. Professor Mirror agrees that there are signs of positive changes in the overally formation of the army especially in the Thigh Squadron. However Lt. Weighing Scale still insists on firm evidence.
-End of tranmission-
There be an amusin' entry I found in a local tavern.
*I hope capt'n Seadog Sam doesn't make me walk the plank...*
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