its been.. awhile...

Jun 12, 2006 14:10

So its been since like December since I updated last. I really haven't been doing anything worth writing about I guess.. and nothing has changed, I still haven't.. I'm just bored ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

buttgremlin June 13 2006, 02:35:57 UTC
You need to come visit me! I have an apartment up at state and you should bring some friends and come visit me! i have the aprtment all to myself so you can bring that basket and anythign else you want and well have one hell of a time!


Yo jizzylou June 14 2006, 00:54:35 UTC
Hey lady- I'll go to Canada with you, even though I am 22. But my friend Katie from work is only 20 so I told her I had other young friends and that I would be up for Candada sometime. Let me know when you want to go

Plus I need to get you million keys back to you guys!

Miss you and love you


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