Good to see you posting. LJ is often a vehicle for venting, so your friends' indulgence is assured! But sometimes the private counsel of our own heart is the best way to go. Whatever's going on, please carry my prayerful hopes for a new horizon for you. If you ever need a concerned ear, let me know. 皈命 大悲大願大聖大慈慈航真人。
You make a very good point that LJ is often used as a vehicle for venting. As such, I suppose it would not be anything out of the ordinary if I were to use it for just such a purpose. Given the subjects involved - my life in Korea in general and a few people here in particular - any discussion would require delicacy, which is what had kept me from writing about them earlier. I do deeply appreciate your comment and offer of a sympathetic ear.
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敬頌 道安。
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