Title: Isn't It Something
Genre: angst
Rating: PG13 (mourning, depression)
Pairing: Gen or Dean/Cas depending on your goggles
Word count: 335
Summary: Post 7.02. Sam realises why Dean's being such a dick.
Sam knows Dean’s hurting. He’s known for months. But it’s in that disconnected way where he knows but he doesn’t understand, because Dean clenches his jaw and looks away and drinks, because he’s fine.
He can see it in the way Dean rubs his aching back and runs a hand over his face. He sees it in the way Dean doesn’t smile anymore, or if he does, it’s bitter and melancholic. He sees the way Dean doesn’t want to get out of bed, the way he tosses food aside and takes another gulp of whisky.
But somehow, he doesn’t make the connection. Maybe it’s Lucifer whispering in his ear. Maybe it’s just that he’s angry Dean’s been keeping things from him. Maybe it’s the feeling of powerlessness when he sees Dean drinking before breakfast. Or maybe it’s the same problem it’s always been - that Sam is self-absorbed, and deep down he still believes that Dean is always fine; always there to look out for him, even he’s climbing the walls.
He doesn’t get it until he throws his bag in the trunk of Dean’s crapheap of a car in Lilydale and sees the trenchcoat, hears Dean finally mention Cas. He realises then that this isn’t about Amy at all. It’s about Cas.
Dean’s not taking it well. And it’s not even the betrayal, or the broken trust. It’s that he’s gone. Dean’s not angry, he’s sad.
“Hey, Dean?” Sam says as they’re sitting in the motel, eating dinner. Well, Sam’s eating. Dean took two bites of his sweet and sour pork and flopped back on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He looks exhausted, even though they only drove two hours today. “Look, I know you don’t want to talk about it, but I’m really sorry about Cas.”
“He’s a - he was a bastard. He betrayed us,” Dean says, but Sam can hear the tremble in his voice.
Dean goes to have a shower after that, and Sam kind of hopes he’s crying in there.