I took it from Jennie because I haven't done a survey in really long. and i felt like it.
-- name :: Paulina
-- eye color :: green
-- hair color:: dark blonde
-- Height :: 5'6
-- righty or lefty :: righty
-- zodiac sign :: cancer
-- your weakness :: i don't know.
-- your fears :: i don't really know.
-- your most overused phrase on AIM :: lmfao
-- your most overused smiley on AIM :: :) regular old school one.
-- your thoughts first waking up :: i hate this question.
-- your bedtime :: i try to go to sleep at 11 but i never do.
-- your most missed memory :: right now, FAIRWAY. :(
-- Pepsi or Coke :: neither, but pepsi is more disgusting.
-- mcdonald's or burger king :: neither, but wendy's is better than both.
-- single or group dates :: whichever.
-- adidas or nike :: adidas.
-- lipton ice tea or nestea :: neither, snapple iced tea is better.
-- chocolate or vanilla :: chocolate.
-- cappuccino or coffee :: neither, anything coffee-ish disgusts me.
do you:
-- smoke :: no
-- cuss :: sometimes
-- sing :: not well
-- want to go to college :: sure why not?
-- like(d) high school :: i like it.
-- want to get married :: probably
-- believe in yourself :: sometimes
-- get motion sickness :: nope
-- think you're a health freak :: no, i wish i was though.
-- get along with your parent(s) :: most of the time, unless one of us is being a bitch. but it's understandable.
-- like thunderstorms :: sometimes
-- play an instrument :: no :(
in the past month...
-- drank alcohol :: yes, but very little
-- smoked :: no
-- done a drug :: no
-- made out :: noooo. gr.
-- gone to the mall? i think so.
-- eaten an entire box of oreos :: no, but i've done that with silvia. good times...
-- been on stage :: nope
-- been dumped :: no.
-- gone skating?:: no.
-- made homemade cookies :: i made some the day i was sick and they came out disgusting because i ODed on the chocolate chips so they were all melty and not very cookie-esque. so i threw them away.
-- gone skinnydipping :: no
-- dyed your hair :: no
-- stolen anything :: no, but i have been with asians who steal <3
Have you ever...
-- played a game that required removal of clothing :: yes but it wasn't taken seriously, so it doesn't really count.
-- if so, was it mixed company :: yeah.
-- been trashed or extremely intoxicated :: no.
-- been called a tease :: not really.
-- age you hope to be married :: not thinking about this.
-- describe your dream wedding :: i don't know.
-- how do you want to die :: not anytime soon.
-- where you want to go to college :: i don't know, somewhere in the city, or far away from here. maybe another country so i can travel and shit.
-- what do you want to be when you grow up:: not sure, but maybe a writer or something that involves people. as little math and science as possible, please. when i was 4, i wanted to be a firefighter.
-- what country would you most like to visit :: europe and asia and africa and south america and everywhere.
in a guy or girl:
-- best eye color? :: some more than others.
-- hair color:: dark. but blonde's ok, too. if you look like...
-- short or long hair :: medium length, but whatever.
-- height :: my height or taller. but i don't care.
-- best first date location :: i don't know, my first "date" was supposed to be in 6th grade and we were going to go to burger king, how ghetto is that?? haha. but somewhere where you can talk and enjoy yourselves. movies are so cliche and you can't talk.
-- best first kiss location :: anywhere.
-- # of drugs taken illegally :: none if you don't count alcohol.
-- # of people I could trust with my life :: two, silvia and angela. and my family.
-- # of CDs that I own :: i don't count them.
-- # of piercings :: two in each ear.
-- # of tattoos :: none.
-- # of scars on my body :: i don't know. but my favorite one is on the joint of my left thumb, it reminds me of a tiny sun.
Last Person Who...
-- Slept in your bed? :: my dog. she's a person.
-- Saw you cry? :: random people on the street i guess.
-- Made you cry? :: silvia, but not really, i was just upset that she didn't show up, and my dad because he left to visit poland yesterday and i started crying when i checked my phone and heard his message because i realized how bad of a daughter i had been lately and how i take him for granted, etc etc.
-- Spent the night at your house? :: silvia? but it was a while ago.
-- You shared a drink with? :: jennie or laura.
-- You went to the movies with? :: silvia i think. when we saw wicker park. but that was in the beginning of september.
-- You went to the mall with? :: my mom i think.
-- Yelled at you? :: ummmmmm. i can't remember.
-- Sent you an e-mail? :: probably myspace people. or livejournal.
Have Your Ever...
-- Said "I love you"? :: i didn't mean it.
-- Been to new york? :: yeah?
-- Been to Georgia? :: driven through it.
-- California? :: no, but i will.
-- Hawaii? :: nope
-- Mexico? :: no, but i live near jackson heights, so good enough.
-- China? :: no, but i know angela. and i go to bronx science.
-- Canada? :: yeah, and i snowboarded. and met a shitload of polish people.
-- Danced naked? :: maybe?
-- Dreamed something really crazy and then happened the next day? :: yeah, i can't recall though.
-- Stalked someone? :: haha. with angela, when we chased that guy for like 5 blocks and then just walked by him like 3 times. very discreet.
Pick One...
-- Apples or bananas? :: ooples and banoonoos.
-- Red or blue? :: both.
-- Walmart or Kmart? :: walmart, all the jewish people upstate go there. <3
-- Math or English? :: i hate math. i love english. ungar vs. ogrady. ogrady is the coolest.
-- radio or CD? :: cd.
-- drawing or painting? :: painting.
-- High school or college? highschool, because i'm in it now.
The Last Few Questions...
-- Things you like in a girl/guy? :: different things, i'm not going to list them.
-- Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? : noooope. gr.
-- What do you think of ouija board? :: i have one in my closet and it sort of scares me. at camp, one of the girls in my cabin carried her ouija board everywhere and the little french girl got scared and cried.
-- What book are you reading now? :: naked by david sedaris, one of the best writers ever, and i'm supposed to start reading julius caesar.
-- What's on your mouse pad? :: i have a laptop. but i once had a mousepad that had a kitten with big star sunglasses.
-- Favorite book? :: anything david sedaris, anything that makes me laugh, catcher in the rye, the outsiders.
-- Favorite magazines? :: teen vogue because i liked to cut out the pictures. and filter.
-- Favorite sound? :: skateboard on concrete.
-- Worst feeling in the world? :: all feelings have their upside.
-- Do you like scary or exciting roller coasters? :: i exciting ones better. i really don't like the low-budget slow ones that go slowly through dark tunnels and things jump out at you. i really really hate those. :(
-- Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? :: no i sleep with my dog.
-- If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be? :: something that involves lots of travel and going to different places and meeting different people and yeah.
-- What are you going to do after you finish this survey? :: start homework so i can go out tomorrow.
-- What was the last food you ate? :: a cookie.