1) Would you eat a severed human foot if someone paid you $50,000 US?
2) Do you find the sound of crickets soothing?
depends....a chorus, yes. One in the far corner of your room and you can't find it? No.
3) Do you pick scabs? I've been known to, yes. Although I've not had a scab in a long time.
4) If you found a human baby and a kitten starving in the street, who would you feed first if there was no one else around? The baby takes precedence, sorry.
5) Has higher math always struck you as pointless? Nah, ideas are fascinating. :D
6) Can you ice skate? Um you mean, wobbling around the ice arena? Sure.
7) Do you think you will live to turn 80? Maybe, my family's pretty long lived.
8) What is your favorite historical period? Antiquity.
9) Do you believe in a supreme being? Yup, I know there is a God and it's because of Him that I am fully alive. :D
10) Do you believe the rich have a responsibility to bear greater financial burdens in society than the poor or middle class? They already do pay more than the less rich in this country. Income taxes based on percentages? Anyone remember their 7th grade math?
11) If the world were a true meritocracy, would you have progressed as far as you have today or farther?
This far at least. ;)
12) Did the dingo really eat the baby? Hmm, no entiendo.
13) To which do you give precedence when classifying yourself: race, gender, religion, or nationality? um religion? I am a daughter of God...not so much religion as relational.
14) Do you dream in color? Yes.
15) Are you primarily diurnal or nocturnal? I like the night but I do stuff during the day too?
16) Do you speak any language fluently besides your native tongue? No. Spanish is coming along though.
17) If you had the power to create a heaven and select one deceased person worthy of going there, whom would you choose?My selection would be faulty I think.
18) Is OJ guilty?
It's awefully suspicious...I have to say I tend to lean towards the guilty side....but hey he was found not so, so that is that.
19) Would you have sex for money? Depends, what if I was in a situation where it was either that or let my kid starve (like, omg, in Les Miserable?!), but hopefully, I'd NEVER be in a situation like that, I think I have too many friends and family.
20) Can you play a musical instrument? Piano like a novice.
21) Have you ever purposefully starved yourself? Does the lemonade diet count?
22) Are you afraid of the ocean?
23) Do you root for the underdog?
Heck, I root for wherever my loyalties are.
24) Do you consider most professional sports to have a deeply homoerotic undertone? LOL, nah.
25) Do you frequently suspect others of having an ulterior motive? No. :/ I try to give the benefit of the doubt.
26) Do you laugh out loud when you're alone? Yes.
27) Do you know how to ride a horse?
Yes, it's been a while though.
28) Have you ever bitten anyone with the intention to harm them?
Maybe if a brother has gotten me in a tussle and won't leave me alone. ;p But even then, I don't think I've bitten as hard as I can.
29) Do you believe love must always entail sacrifice?
30) Would you enter a burning building to retrieve an inanimate object?
That's hard....I'd have to go with j-girl's answer, depends on where the fire was inside and how big it was.
31) If you wanted to have children, would you rather adopt or grow your own?
I want to have some of my own. I think I will consider the idea of adopting though...
32) Is your Ebay feedback rating a source of pride to you? lol, not done that much business w/ them.
33) Do like to play dress-up?
34) Do you support euthanasia for the terminally ill?
35) Have you ever had a panic attack?
I don't think so.
36) Ever get the feeling you're being cheated?
Not often.
37) Do you have some awful secret you would rather die than have anyone find out about?
Probably. :p
38) Was Feodor Kuzmich really Alexander in disguise?
39) Do you dislike public transportation?
Nah, it's fine.
40) Is there anything you regret? Yes.