I spent the whole time in the shower formulating a long post that would describe exactly how I feel. I suppose it can be summed up by the subject. Read on if you want the nitty-gritty.
I hope you have children...and that they all have down syndrome.
I hope you learn how to write. Guess what? The tilda '~' character is not in the English grammar! How did you make it through over four years (plus) of College with no understanding of even basic grammatical concepts? Learn how to fucking express yourself, and don't tarnish the status of the rest of us who worked to get where we are.
I hope you eventually realize that buying packets of spice from the store does not make you a good chef. You are the worst cook who wants to be good I've ever meet. Even people who don't want to be cooks are better than you. Fucking pathetic.
I hope your imaginary online world is better than the real one since that's all you've got anymore.
I wonder if you know you're a psychotic mental patient that constructs the world the way she wants at the expense of everyone else? I wonder if you know that you're not fooling anyone but yourself with your lies? I hope you see that it was you, not me who ruined your life with your lies. No one forced you to say the things you said to
moxiediosa and I certainly had nothing to do with it until after what was done, was done.
Regardless, I hope you know I'm never wasting energy thinking about you again. There are too many sane girls in this world. I feel bad that he got stuck with you. I feel bad that I was ever stuck with you. I hope you spend the rest of your life in white trash heaven; stricken in poverty with no education and no job worth mentioning, continually taking one or two college courses because you don't have the vision or ambition (or perhaps the sight past your next Epic MegaHammer +5) to ever make something of your sad waste of biological matter. Fuck you.
At this point, the things that stress me out are gone from my life. I'm finally happy again.