I’m going to start doing this. Because.
Story (poem, novel, meandering) prompt for June 3 (Gemini, pearl, birthday of Allen Ginsberg and feast day of St. Clotilde):
Your prompt - anything part, phrase, sentence or word of this headline and/or its accompanying article -
Man Hunting for Pythons Finds Mysterious Jewelry Go.
Comments 4
all uncoiled himself
and spanked the Elephant's Man
with his scalesome, flailsome necklace.
This is so obvious
A snake
the lost but not forgotten
and precious memories
Seeking out the serpent
The grasses drawing blood
And when I reached down
Grabbing before I realized
The danger inherent in the act
The jeweled corpse released
Its golden treasure
From below
The trickery of the hunt
I was exhilarated, hyperventilating
The prize won but not mine to own
Heavy in my hand
I would spend my life wishing I could give it back
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