Title: The Eagle's Nest
Author/Artist: Sami-Fire (Me!)
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Prussia, others as the fic goes on
Rating: Should be PG, at least for this chapter.
Warnings: I don't think there's anything objectionable here.
Summary: Gilbert finally has the children that he has dreamed of for so long and starts a family of his own.
This is the first
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Comments 3
But really, did I ever tell you that I wanted Gilbert's daughter to be named Frederike? If not, it's a funny coincidence once more. Frederike it just the perfect name for Gilbert's daughter and it's such a cute name, too.
... I'm curious who her mother is. :T
You'll find out soon. =7= It will either be a wonderfully shocking twist or everyone will lynch me for it.
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