Muse Log, Round 4

Jun 17, 2010 19:52

Yup. Finally, I can do another one of these. That only took, like, forever. =3= And I missed some pretty interesting stuff, too...


11:38 PM
[6/16/2010 11:38:24 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: Oh oh oh funny story
[6/16/2010 11:38:35 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: I figured out a way to freak my Ivan muse out
[6/16/2010 11:38:48 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: He's been oblivious to a cellphone going off on his person before
[6/16/2010 11:38:51 PM] Yong Soo: x'D
[6/16/2010 11:39:00 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: So just KEEP INSISTING that there's a noise coming from him
[6/16/2010 11:39:12 PM] Yong Soo:'re a horrible person.
[6/16/2010 11:39:18 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: "THERE AREN'T ANY NOISES COMING FROM MY PERSON! D'8"
[6/16/2010 11:39:36 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: No, I just love to pick on my muses. =3=


10:20 PM: Gil's throwing a depressive fit. =3= Something about "his babies..." (He's been having odd dreams lately. This is the base for the "Children" prompt, if I can ever be arsed to write it.)

10:22: Aww. Lud is trying to calm him down and be nice to him (and even offering him ice cream?!). It's like the only time Lui is nice to his brother is when he's flipping out. =3=

10:27: Gil was going to complain that he was hungry, but he's having ice cream now, so it's all good.


9:35 AM: Gilbert has just decreed that "THE FOURTH WALL WOULD MAKE A FUCKING AWESOME PIZZA. Just sayin'." @_@

9:48 PM: [9:44:23 PM] Yong Soo:
[9:44:27 PM] Yong Soo: Explain that expression.
[9:44:32 PM] Yong Soo: Before I injure myself laughing at it.
[9:46:27 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: Gil: "That is one lucky Alfred." Ivan: "*elbows him, HARD* That's my SISTER."
[9:46:32 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: ...I love my muses.

11:13 PM:
[11:11:37 PM] Yong Soo: PuddinggggggggGermanygetyourGiloutofmyhead.
[11:11:42 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: WHAT
[11:11:44 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: WHAT
[11:11:49 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: EXPLAIN FROM THE BEGINNING.
[11:12:04 PM] Yong Soo: I CRAVED PUDDING.
[11:12:07 PM] Yong Soo: I BLAME YOU.
[11:12:17 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: @_@
[11:12:32 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: Ivan: "You know, Gilbert is going to turn into pudding before long."
[11:12:50 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: Gil: "Stop that! I'm not fat and I don't crave pudding! *pout*"
[11:13:02 PM] Yong Soo: Gil.
[11:13:05 PM] Yong Soo: It's butterscotch.
[11:13:19 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: "What's that got to do with anything?"
[11:13:28 PM] Yong Soo: Maybe you should be craving pudding?
[11:14:23 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: Gil: "...Dammit. :/"
[11:14:42 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: Ivan: "See? I told you! He'll turn into pudding! *pinches Gil's side* See?"
[11:15:06 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: Gil: "...Do that again and I swear to god you're going to be splattered all over the ceiling."
[11:15:52 PM] Yong Soo: my!Russia: -pinches Gil's other side-
[11:16:49 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: Gil: "...T-two of you. Two of you molesting me. ;~; *trying verrrrrryyyy hard not to have a panic attack*
[11:17:04 PM] Yong Soo: my!Russia: ...I gave into peer pressure?
[11:17:58 PM | Edited 11:18:00 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: Ivan: "Pressure? *confused smile*"
[11:18:18 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: (Dammit, Gil, don't eat my punctuation- "I DID NOT. ;~;")
[11:18:41 PM] Yong Soo: Russia: Da. oJo You did it, so I did too.
[11:19:32 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: Ivan: "Fine, fine. *pinches harder*"
[11:19:56 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: ...And Ludz won't even help him?
[11:20:00 PM] Yong Soo: Canada: -pats Gil on the shoulder-
[11:20:20 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: Ludz: "Nope. *goes back to doing... you know, I don't even know what he's doing*"
[11:20:49 PM] Yong Soo: my!Germany: -pimpslaps Ludz- |:< THAT IS YOUR BROTHER. -authoritative point-
[11:22:17 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: Ludz: "*grumble grumble* Fine. *goes over and pries the Ivans' fingers off Gil* You know, it wouldn't be so tempting for them to pinch you if you didn't give them fodder for it."
[11:22:32 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: Gil: "The fat jokes are -old,- West. *sulk sulk*"
[11:23:14 PM] Yong Soo: my!Germany: |:< Is there anything ELSE?
[11:23:56 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: Ludz: "What do you mean?"
[11:24:09 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: [...Please don't tell me I have to do a reconstruction on YOU, too. X_X]
[11:24:30 PM] Yong Soo: my!Germany: You could APOLOGISE for being a DICK to him. |:<
[11:25:27 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: Gil: "Yeah, West. Apologize for a change, why don't ya? *eeeevil I-know-I'm-right-grin*"
[11:26:22 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: Ludz: "F-fine... *now really quiet and awkwardetc* L-look, I'm sorry I've been so cranky to you lately, okay? I'm allowed to have my moods, too."
[11:26:42 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: Gil: "...WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SOMETHING'S BEEN UP. >:T"
[11:27:01 PM] Yong Soo: my!Germany: ...why did you act like a bitch about it? :I
[11:28:30 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: Gil: "Because he's on his manperiod and he doesn't like to tell people when something's wrong. =3= *puts one arm around my!Ludz's shoulder* Just like when he was a kid, except for the manperiod part. Riiiiight, West? *nudge nudge*"
[11:28:42 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: Ludz: "*awkward blushing and trying to hide his face*
[11:31:25 PM] Yong Soo: my!Germany: ...m-manperiod...? -eyetwitch-
[11:32:08 PM] Ludwig Beilschmidt: Gil: "Ah, nothing! Forget about it. He's just playing tough. *nudges my!Ludz again and again* Some things you just never grow out of, huh?"


11:40 AM: Gil woke up bawling his eyes out because he was frustrated and not feeling well. (He was probably frustrated -because- he wasn't feeling well.) *pats him* Lud is actually trying to comfort him (...and doesn't want me to tell anyone, apparently, given the resistance I got when writing that). [For future reference, "resistance" is defined as the amount of difficulty I have writing something down because a muse is "pulling" on the other end and doesn't want me to write down the item in question.]

11:49 AM: [A crapton of resistance from both of them here.] G: By now, I'd almost like a little baby, if only just so I could have someone who needed me.
L: Do we have to go over this again? Even if you're supposedly not "needed," you're wanted. Isn't that good enough, if not actually better?
[...*goes off to wibble for a bit*]

12:41 PM: Lui's started doing this thing to calm Gil down where he wraps the two of them in blankets and calls the dogs over to lay down by them and basically swaddles Gil till he's mellowed out.

1:00 PM: Gil's finally gone back to sleep in his little cocoon. Awww.

muse log

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