Dropping her algebra book at her feet, Sami sighed and rested her forehead into her locker, while she took her lock into both hands and attempted to open it.
“…2……16….Damn!” She cursed as she once again finished entering the numbers and tugging at the lock with all her might, for it to remain as it was. Completely locked.
“Having trouble again?” Elysia sighed, setting her own algebra book down next to her best friends.
“Yes! The damn thing never opens anymore!” Sami said laughing.
Elysia nodded. Sami had taken to laughing at her lock as she entered the numbers time and time again. She would laugh even harder when Elysia, or Haru would do it for her, and it would open on the first try.
“Move over.” The brown haired girl nodded.
Sami watched as her friend moved the dail in the exact motions she had just done two second ago- and sure even, the lock from hell popped open.
“Thank God! Thanks again Elysia..” She cried, leaning down to pick up her algebra book and drop it at the bottum of the locker, then grabbing her chem book.
“No problem! Maybe this time, we won’t be -“
The bell rang.
“Late.” Sami and Elysia sighed together.
Sami picked up the rest of her books from the floor, Elysia doing the same, then she kicked her locker shut and locked it.
“We’re in trouble this time!” Elysia muttered as the two began to speed walk.
“I know…” Sami groaned. “ I know. She said if we were late again, our parents were going to be called.”
“You didn’t have to wait for me.”
“Course I did.”
“No, you didn’t.” Sami said, as they began to make their way down a flight of stairs.
“You’re late girls!” A random teacher in the hall said to them as he was walking up the stairs.
“We know, we’re going!” Elysia answered him. She turned back to Sami. “And yes, I did.”
“Is that so?”
“That’s so.”
“How so?”
“Because if I didn’t, you would still be back there trying to get the lock open!”
“Guh. I know! I’m going to bust the damn thing! It’s completely retarded!”
“Are you sure it’s not just you?”
“Im sure. Because every so often I can get it…”
“Every so often, yet everyone else gets it every time.”
“Haru couldn’t get it yesterday.”
“Haru’s stupid!”
“Well, I know that…but lets focus on the matter at hand here. Now, riza and Jean are used to getting these calls, along with your mom. But What about your dad? And My parents. They have no idea.”
Now making their way down a long hall, Elysia sighed. “Ah, God damn it. I hadn’t even thought of that!”
Sami smirked beside her. “Am I the only one thinking?”
Elysia threw a glare in the smaller girls direction. “You think?”
Sami glared in return. Then, at the same time, they both burst out laughing.
When they reached the classroom, the door was locked. Elysia knocked, and they saw through the window beside the door that the teacher gave them a frusterated look and picked up her cell phone from her desk and made her way towards the door. She said something to the class, then joined the teen girls in the hall, shutting the door behind her.
“What did I tell you? You’re late again! This is the sixth day in a row, ladies! I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to call your parents. You both are lucky that you’re not in the military, like this one boy in my biology class this morning.” She scolded.
Sami and Elysia shared a glance.
“Well, young First Lieutenant Haru Feury, where ever he is, was givin this long lecture from his father, and the Fuhrer.”
“The Fuhrer?” Elysia cried out. “Why did he come along?”
“Technically you’re not supposed to be in the military until you’ve officially graduated school. So obviously that means only the best are accepted. You mess up, and you may loose the right to be military personel, or be demoted. The Fuhrer came along, since I had to call his father at work, and he had to leave, and since this last minute meeting reguarded one of his soilders, he had to come.”
Sami paled. “Please… Mrs.K…. I beg of you..don’t call!”
“Yeah, please please please!” Elysia joined in.
Mrs. K looked at them. “I’m sorry, I have to. Why are you begging anyway. It’s not like you have to worry about-“
“I’m Lieutenant Colonel Sami Mustang! The Full Fire Alchemist! You must have heard of me!”
“And I’m Major Elysia Hughes- The Water Crystal Alchemist!”
“So, you see….we’re in the military. We do have to deal with that! My parents… they’re known really really well..”
“I’m sorry girls. I warned you. Now, Sami you first. So, where am I calling?”
“Central headquarters.”
Elysia looked at Sami. “Why not just say home? Isn’t Ed there?”
Sami shook her head. “No, went in with Daddy today. All morning all me and Daddy heard was complaints, so daddy gave in just this once…”
“Central again? Honestly. Who am I asking for.”
Sami sighed. She took in a deep breath then replied.
“General Roy Mustang. Code name, The Flame. Or Colonel Edward Elric, code name Fullmetal.”
The teachers eyes narrowed. “I had heard rumors.”
“That Roy got his subordinate pregnant, both of them male and they had a daughter. For some reason I never made the connection. How I will never forgive him, He never called me back!” Mrs. K snapped.
Sami glanced at Elysia while their teacher continued to rant.
“Great. My already angry chem teacher is calling my dad- who shes apparently in love with. Things just got so much easier.”