Art: World's Finest Gift Exchange 2007 - Where did he get that nailpolish?

Jan 04, 2008 14:01

Fandom: Batman Begins/Superman Returns
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Superman
Rating: G
Media: Wacom tablet, Photoshop 7


Drawn for the worlds_finest Gift Exchange, Prompt A10: Pink Kryptonite, any take on this theme. Crossover Superman Returns/Batman Begins movieverse.

I had a much grander plan for this prompt that extended into a four page comic, but I had to table it for time reasons. Ive still got the sketches, so one day I might actually do it.

So basically.. Im very sorry for this ;)

EDIT: saavikam77 went and wrote a fic based on this!! Go and read the crazy-sweet crack that it is :D
EDIT 2: I've gone and done it again... drawn based on Saavi's fic. I couldn't resist...

gen, routh, bruce/clark:movieverse, fanart, bale

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