So, I've taken on a huge project. I've decided I'm going to do 30 icons from each episode of Lost. This is my first attempt at making icons, and I'm hoping having to make so many will help me learn how to do it well
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a good first attempt :) I have little CC: - Some of your icons are too washed out, which lessens the contrast so the characters look like they have an ill complexion. - Too much cyan in the neutral tones gives the characters a "cold" look. It's a trend these days to make icons all one color, and doing this well is something experienced makers have trouble pulling off. As a beginner I suggest you stick to more natural skin tones :) - Some icons look blurred and unfocused. either you need to sharpen them more, or the quality of the caps is low. Always use good quality caps. That said, never oversharpen! It gives icons a jagged, rough look. - Once you're comfortable with coloring, start to experiment with using some creative crops. Most of your icons have the subject centered in the middle.
I'd just take it slow and experiment as much as you can, there's plenty of tutorial comms out there. Good luck! :)
I noticed the washed out thing when I was making it. Some of them it was a preference, sometimes I wasn't sure how to get rid of it. I'll look into that. :)
I think the blur is because of the caps. I was noticing it while looking for my them, but couldn't find better ones. I'll be more careful next time. :) I'm nervous about sharpening because of the reasons you said!
I may try to make some more in the next week, I'll definitely take your comments into consideration when I do. :)
If you use photoshop, you can control the sharpen by going to edit > fade sharpen, right after sharpening, or use sharpen > unsharp mask and adjust the 'amount' setting (or any of the others). Hope this helps :)
Comments 7
- Some of your icons are too washed out, which lessens the contrast so the characters look like they have an ill complexion.
- Too much cyan in the neutral tones gives the characters a "cold" look. It's a trend these days to make icons all one color, and doing this well is something experienced makers have trouble pulling off. As a beginner I suggest you stick to more natural skin tones :)
- Some icons look blurred and unfocused. either you need to sharpen them more, or the quality of the caps is low. Always use good quality caps. That said, never oversharpen! It gives icons a jagged, rough look.
- Once you're comfortable with coloring, start to experiment with using some creative crops. Most of your icons have the subject centered in the middle.
I'd just take it slow and experiment as much as you can, there's plenty of tutorial comms out there. Good luck! :)
I noticed the washed out thing when I was making it. Some of them it was a preference, sometimes I wasn't sure how to get rid of it. I'll look into that. :)
I think the blur is because of the caps. I was noticing it while looking for my them, but couldn't find better ones. I'll be more careful next time. :) I'm nervous about sharpening because of the reasons you said!
I may try to make some more in the next week, I'll definitely take your comments into consideration when I do. :)
If you use photoshop, you can control the sharpen by going to edit > fade sharpen, right after sharpening, or use sharpen > unsharp mask and adjust the 'amount' setting (or any of the others). Hope this helps :)
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