Apr 13, 2011 04:00
- 21:16:36: Marianas Trench performing FREE in Whistler on April 23rd ... ummm who wants to drive me there??
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Apr 11, 2011 04:00
- 21:05:21: Lol wow Knowing is such a fucked up movie. ALIEN APOCALYPSEEEE!
- 21:08:35: Omg I just hiccuped and my mom came upstairs all "Did you just call me??"
- 21:37:39: Why haven't Russell Brand and Craig Ferguson just created a late show together already??? I'd stay up to watch that.
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Apr 09, 2011 04:00
- 21:16:28: Holy shit Marianas Trench on UBC LipDub. I just had a major fangirl squee attack WHY WASN'T I INVITED???
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Apr 07, 2011 04:00
- 10:20:09: The sun is out but it's still only like 5 degrees outside. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO.
- 21:37:05: Why won't this hot chocolate powder mix with my cold milk. Seriously what is this bullshit. Chemically it has to happen eventually right?
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Apr 06, 2011 04:00
- 09:45:28: It's snowing. In April. WHAT THE FUCK.
- 19:43:16: I just learned Marianas Trench is from Van. All this time I thought they were from Toronto. Our city just got that much cooler! @mtrench
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Apr 04, 2011 04:00
- 00:04:37: Why can't you search multiple tags at once on Tumblr?? Exact searching FTL.
- 10:30:29: I can't remember a time in my life when Tumblr didn't take up 60% of my day.
- 11:00:37: The feeling you get after a concert is similar to being hungover. Your throat's scratchy, your eyes hurt, & you just want to go back to bed.
- 21:08:33: Found vids of
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