
Oct 24, 2005 05:44

Hey everyone! Well last week was just a terrible week... This weekend wasn't much better. On saturday morning I had to go to the hopsital again and my plans for the whole day were ruined... But it was all made up for by the events of last night. It has been pretty cold here for a while usually staying at about 2 degrees durring the day and getting ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

Snow!! parkeryoung October 24 2005, 13:05:53 UTC
That is so cool!! literally haha. I love the snow, now you will have snow for halloween. To bad they dont really celebrate it here. I am still going to buy and carve a pumkin though!


I LOVE SNOW! gracie_sweden November 1 2005, 16:13:08 UTC
Haha Sammi, I love it!
Maybe it will snow up in Arboga again this week when I come up! I just love it when everything is white...so clean and nice looking! See you soon!


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