Title: Taste (Prompt 030)
Rating: NC-17 (for smutlet smuttiness)
Pairing: Speckett
Word Count: 1200
Summary: "Had the man been a complete failure, Cutler thought he could have borne the insult better..."
Series based on Jack and Cutler's early relationship using the prompts at
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Comments 6
You write young Cutler very well.
I missed this so very very very much, you have no idea! Oh I'm so very happy you're back! Young Speckett love is such a delicious addiction, and thank you for reminding that I don't actually hate reading Jack, I tend to forget that. :P
I love how Cutler is like a pouting child and yet, not really, I'm already a bit worried how he might deal with this situation. You get him so very well! Oh what a lovely read again. *happy sigh*
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