Been through a lot since my last post...
What's been happening?
Joey and I flew down to see Robin's parents over Spring Break, first time since Robin passed away. (Chris went down to visit them back in January.) First couple of days were rough for me, but the last two days I felt closer to them then ever before. I seriously miss Robin. But I can see how much they also miss her so much. I teared up late at night the second night I was there. The last time I had been in that apartment, resting in that bed, Robin was cuddled up next to me. So as you can see, this was a very emotional visit for us. Joey was able to visit Rice University, and even get a private interview with one of the professors. It was supposed to be a short interview, but we were there for nearly an hour. Joey is so impressive. I'm proud of him. Later that afternoon we went on the tour of the campus. The campus Robin went to for four years. Once again, Joey and I were feeling quite emotional about the whole thing.
More recently, I started working props for a play called The Kitchen Witches at the CAT theatre in Richmond, Virginia. It has an awesome cast and crew. The director is a dear friend who always does a fantastic job. She is truly amazing. We also have a great stage manager who has become a close friend of mine. And the regulars who put their heart into every production make this place like home. But my stress level is high for various reasons, Robin loved this theatre. Robin, our boys, and myself used to work here on productions as a family. In a way, the members of CAT are family. I hope I can manage to hang on throughout this production without breaking down.
Still working on my 3D emergency business. Waiting for funding to come through. Once it does, I'm off and running. My goal is to save as many lives and properties as I can. I believe my business will be able to do so. Every day that I don't have funding, means more lives lost, so you can imagine the stress this is putting on me as well. Right now, waiting on a grant to come through. Nail biting time!
My sons are doing well in school, despite this last semester. Going through the one year anniversary of Robin's Angel Day (as some have come to call it, and for some reason calling it that makes me feel a little better), was quite difficult for all of us. As well as the wonderful mother of my girlfriend passing away this last December. We spent time together and realized just how much we all needed to support each other through this time in our lives. Actually, we need to support each other most of the time. It's been a rough year for all of us.
My girlfriend seems to get more beautiful every time I see her. Her smile always warms my heart. I wish we had more time together. But commitments are keeping us apart more than we'd like. Maybe one day we won't be so busy, and I can be truly happy again. I have become closer to her girls, as she has become closer to my boys. We all love each other dearly. I consider the girls as if they were my own. Wish one day they could be. As I know my girlfriend wishes my sons were hers. We're definitely a family oriented couple. :-)
Until funding comes through for me, I'm scraping bottom as far as income. Financially, I'm like so many others out there, basically broke. Having trouble finding work for a 47 year old stay at home dad with skills, but no track record or a useful degree. So I started doing photography, turns out, unless you have a studio and willing to charge very little, people aren't willing to spend what money they have on photos.
So I'm asking for prayers and good thoughts towards keeping my stress level down, for my funding to come through, more togetherness and healing with my sons, more time with my girlfriend, and for my photography business to start making some side income. Thanks. (Not asking for too much I hope. :-) )
One more thing... I've lost 17 pounds these last 5 weeks. I hit a plateau about three months ago, after losing 50 pounds. I've now lost a total of 67 pounds since last June. I need to go shopping for new pants, smaller pants. I never thought I'd ever be able to do that again. But I'm feeling better about myself and loving every minute of this. I just changed my eating habits, watching how much and what I eat, as well as getting in some exercise. My girlfriend showed me a program called Alli, let me tell you, it helps you make the right decisions. I won't go into details, but if you want to lose weight, Alli will help you do so.
*****HUGS for all my friends and family!*****