Alphabetacy Rules and Such...

Apr 22, 2020 16:29

Hi. Hi there.

1. Each sim shall be named according to their generation, as per usual. Except backwards. So Z is the beginning, A is the end.
2. All six of the usual aspirations (bite me, Grilled Cheese) must be assigned to teens in the family line before I can start over and repeat. For example, Zanita, our lovely pink-eyed founder, is fortune. Her three kids can have any of the remaining five aspirations (six minus fortune = five). If it doesn't make sense now...well, hopefully you'll pick it up later.

3. Aspirations may only be rerolled when a sim gets the opportunity to after completing sophomore year at uni. However family members wishing to change must swap aspiration with someone else. Sims marrying into/joining said family can change at the beginning of junior year to whatever the hell they (read: I) want.
4. All teens wishing to attend college must pay a 10,000 simoleon fee. Payable by Familyfunds cheat cuz I don't know how else to do it and I certainly don't want townies walking around with 10,000 simoleons worth of statues in their pockets. ("Hey Goopy, is that a Bust of Tylophoda in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?") Also - I like my sims to be poor. >:)

4.5. Continuing the poor theme: I have a mod that gives no inheritances. And I usually will subtract the 20k 'free money!' that uni grads receive unless they're moving onto an empty lot after graduation.

5. Every sim and their brother/sister/cousin/grandparent/aunt/plantspawned half-brother who are somehow born-into/married-into/adopted-into this alphabetacy shall be played. None of this "My Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great Uncle is HAWT!" nonsense. Said Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great Uncle shall be long dead before any descendants of his siblings are old enough to heart-fart him. Unless he's, you know, immortal for some reason. ;) 
6. HOWEVER...that doesn't mean I won't let cousins to the nth degree get together. First cousins obviously No. Second cousins, that's a negatory as well because I know my second cousins. I don't know my thirds though. We'll see what the game decides.

7. Pardon my picture taking abilities. I try. But sometimes I just play and forget to take pictures or bother centering them. Also my computer doesn't seem to produce the nice, pretty pictures that other peoples do. :(
I've tried Fraps. Also screenshots. But not til around the third generation or so. Sorry. Also sorry about the lack of lots and decorations in the distance. There really weren't any when I started. And even when there were other houses to look at, I still kept it turned off.

8. There is no rule #9.

9. See Rule #8.

10. I play approximately a 90% Maxis-Matchy style game. Guestimate.

11. I use the lot debugger & TwoJeffs crystal ball (to see matches not to meet them).  Okay -- I did use the simblender for one teensy-weensy little thing later on, but it's not important right now.

12. No dogs/cats/womrats/parrots/skunks allowed. (I don't have Pets). Also no Santa. Bah humbug. And no Ottomi, Ramaswamis, Picasos, Newsons, or Goodies because I told them to Get the Fudge Out (some of them might sneak their way in later though).

13. I reserve the right to add more rules when I think of them. :)

alphabet soup

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