Maxis-Taste Dare 26: Second Chances - Erik Swain

Feb 04, 2012 16:44

Erik Swain is the only premade to accomplish the dubious feat of both boring me and pissing me off during my megahood days (Mean Mr. Swain-The-Pain picked too many fights with his dormmates when I wasn’t paying attention).

So…he got drafted into this beer commercial dare. :)

His parties begin as Roof Raisers...and only get better.

When a UFO abducts him, it's the aliens who end up pregnant.

He has three bolts of chemistry with every sim. Four with Mrs. Crumplebottom.

When he talks to his reflection, it's the mirror that gains charisma points.

He is
    The Most Interesting Sim in the World.

"I don't always drink sims..."

"...but when I do, I prefer Los Maxis."

"Stay thirsty, my friends."

~ . ~
So I never said he was nice. Only interesting. ;)

Actually Erik kinda grew on me. Until I put him and Natasha together on a lot. As soon as the lot opened, he started poking her. She poked back. Poking led to slapping which eventually led to total warfare.

So he was pretty glad when he got to drink her.

Hope you enjoyed it! Thanks to Ale for extending this dare...otherwise I was stuck without an ending. In case you are totally confused, please go here to see the Real Most Interesting Man in the World. ...Just don't hold me liable if you go blind from viewing his overpowering awesomeness. :)

And have an extra pic, just because I love it (even though it got cut):

No sims were harmed in the filming of this dare*

*except for:
-Natasha (cowplant)
-Erin (axe to the femoral artery)
-Pascal (probe-ation)
-Goopy (just because)


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