I left Paris only days ago, but the Très Bien has made me eager to return...if only to indulge in enough fine French delicacies to remove all memory of the swill they dared to call cuisine. A warning would have been greatly appreciated.
[Locked to Hyacinth]
I wonder if I might request your services again?
Private; Hackable (Spoilers for T&T: Case 5) )
((Ahahahha, so that's where 'Laurice' comes from. XD *hasn't actually played the games yet, just watched people play a bit here and there, and tried out the first two cases*))
((Yeah, 'Laurice' is the name he adopted for himself during the end of the last game. XD Larry's a special boy, and we love him so. [insert obligatory 'play the games, they're awesomesauce!' here]
And if you really want to pay me, you could buy me lunch. Or dinner, whichever really.
((Yeeeeeah, everyone's been telling me that. XD I got the emulator for the games. /o/))
I can pay enough for you to buy yourself a meal.
((Whoo! Plaaaay them. You know you want to! ;) Also, I apologize for Edgey. He's not exactly the most social of creatures. XD))
If I'd wanted a meal by myself, I wouldn't have asked.
((Once I unzip the files. 8D And it's okay. His reticence makes Hyacinth want to goad him though. =| Perverse Greeks.))
You're so desperate for companionship that you must entice strangers to share a meal with you?
((Oh I'd expect nothing less from him. :D Edgeworth's stubborn about socializing, but he does want the packages delivered...
You have to tell me what you think when you've played them!))
Why, yes~ It seems that you've found my darkest secret~ However could you tell?
((... |D Hyacinth might wind up telling him he needs a break halfway through delivering the breaks and drag him off anyway. /o/
I will! 8D))
I'm an excellent judge of character.
((XDDD Sneaky! Edgeworth won't want to go with him, because he's a coward about doing awkward things like giving people presents. Question though... Would Hyacinth say yes if Edgeworth agreed to lunch on the condition that Hyacinth also takes him by his Paris apartment to pick up his dog? XD He misses his Sigi. ;o;))
Are you now?
((Hahaha, Edgeworth, you emotionally repressed person. =| But yeah~ Hyacinth probably wouldn't mind doing it even sans the meal, since he most likely has a soft spot for dogs and probably kept a few of his own before he was discus-ed. Awww, Sigi.
Edgeworth doesn't have to know that though. 8D))
In my profession it's a necessary trait.
((Repression, thy name is Edgeworth. :P Awesome, at some point Edgeworth will ask, then. If Hyacinth gets a lunch out of him, would you like to RL or just assume? I'll also be putting up a list today for the recipients to assume they got the presents Thursday night. S'okay?))
Ah yes, I forgot. You're a lawyer.
((RL please~? :D And that's fine! |Db))
I am. More specifically a prosecutor. Investigations always include interrogation of the defendant and any witnesses. A case means nothing without evidence and fact, but the ability to correctly interpret motivations and character can also be crucial to uncovering the truth.
((RL it is, then! Edgeworth has a bit of a history with Apollo, and not a good one as far as Edgeworth's concerned, but the Spartan ideal is also something he can appreciate, so we'll see how this turns out. XDDD))
And even more specifically, a "demon prosecutor"? You sound so very dedicated to what you do.
((Hokay~ Whose journal shall it be? |D And haha, really? Though, come to think of it, Edgeworth has suck a stick up his ass, that the strict discipline probably appeals to him. >_>))
The pursuit of justice is my life's purpose.
((...You have no idea. XD Wait till you play the game. Edgeworth was raised into a Spartan lifestyle, just with a focus on law. So he totally appreciates ultimate discipline. As for RL, yays! Whichever journal, it doesn't matter to me. ^_^ I think it would be best if we said it took place in the middle of next week, if that's okay. Dude, we should probably be planning this out in email. :D))
((... XD I heard about part of the game! He was adopted by von Karma or something, and his education was very strict. Or something. XD; And haha, yeah. >_> *should not be spamming this page up*))
(([emails you~!]))
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