Writing meme - Day 15

Aug 16, 2010 21:52

Question 21: Do any of your characters have children? How well do you write them?

My characters? No. Not the main ones, anyway.

Kripke's characters, on the other hand... Well, there's the Picture Perfect 'verse, so I imagine I write children pretty well ;)

Question 22: Tell us about one scene between your characters that you’ve never written or told anyone about before! Serious or not.

Ok then. This is the fic that I keep hesitating if it should be original or not.

Suicidal Dean.

It's an AU (obviously, and can be original, so... very AU) in which Mary's alive, and there's no supernatural involved (hense the possibility for original...).
Both mary and John love their boys a lot. But John, he wants the boys to be all they can be.
Now, back in the day (not so long ago), dyslexia or ADD were considered "bad words" if they were even diagnosed - and Dean wasn't. He's not as smart as his brother, has to work twice as hard to get not nearly good enough results, and it rubs John the wrong way.

So he grounds Dean a lot, makes him study all the time, really gets on his case - needless to say they don't really have a good relationship. Mary helps keep things a little more balanced, but it's not really enough for a teenager who has no self-worth and hates his family. He also has no real friends, too shy to talk to girls etc.

Anyways, Dean fails a test and the teacher refuses to give him some extra credit stuff to get his grade up, and it's kinda the last straw on a really bad week, and Dean's had it.

He ditches school and breaks into his parents' liquore cabinet, only he spills some on the sofa accidentally, and knows he's a gonner. He looks around the house for something to clean it up and gets into Mary's medicine cabinet, where he finds her sleeping pills.

That's the opportunity.

Sam gets home and is a jerk to Dean, Mary and John leave for the weekend to somewhere for a convention relating John's work, only Mary gets food poisoning and comes home way too early.

She gets home all sick and Sam bitches about Dean's music and how loud it is. Mary wouldn't say anything, only the loud music is really not helping her - she uses John's key to Dean's room and finds him on his bed with a liqour bottle and her pills - most of them missing. Oh, and Dean's barely breathing.

(He doesn't die btw, but that's a really powerful scene)

meme, writing

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