Title: Pinto of the dead-Thanks Anton
Pairing: Pinto (AKA Chris Pine/Zachary Quinto)
Rating: pg-13-R?...for now
Summary: Zachary falls in love with Vampire Chris.
Other: I want to thank all the awsome ladies of Pinto Chat
Part 2
The next evening Zach, who had changed 4 times, only to decide on the first outfit, was pacing by the window when he saw a car pull into the driveway.
Not wanting to appear desperate he pulled away from the window and waited by the door for the bell to ring.
Chris smiled brightly when Zach swung open the door.
"You look great" He said.
"So do you" Zach said stepping aside to let Chris inside.
"Um...you need to invite me in.."
Chris watched Zach smile and sighed.
"It's just...something we can't do. I can't go inside. Even if I wanted to"
"Mom! I'm going out. Be back by curfew" Zach called into the house and steped outside.
"Smooth" Chris mumbled.
Sitting in the driveway was a beautiful black Porsche boxter.
"Nice ride" Zach said walking upto the car, and running a finger down the hood
"Yeah, I like it" Chris said, reaching forward and opening the door for Zachary
The drive was quiet, except for the soft music playing in the background.
As the Porsche pulled into the parking stall Zach saw his friend John standing in line.
"Hey John!" Zach called exiting the car
"Zach! Man how you-" John stoped. He growled from deep insode his chest, staring at Chris.
Zach heard Chris growl at John next to him.
"Your...dating a vampire!? Are you nuts? Your bother is going to shit!"
"He won't, if you don't tell him! I swear to god John, if you breath anything about this to time I will kill you myself"
John chuckled and pulled Zach closer
"I won't tell him.Just be carful. Blood suckers aren't exacally easy to date"
"Have you to told Kerri that werewolves aren't easy to date either?" Zach said, taking a step back and crossing his arms
John shook his head and pulled back
"Didn't think so"
"Look man. You know I love you, I just don't want to see you get hurt again" John explained
"Thanks. Chris isn't like that. He doesn't feed on humans like most Vamps. He's cool"
"Here's your ticket" Chris said comming up behind Zach
"Thanks. See you later on John"
Chris waiting until Zach was heading for the door and turned to John
"I know your worried about me hurting him. Trust me. It's not going to happen. I care for him"
"I'm sure you do. But if you do hurt him, I will personally find you and rip you in half" John snapped
"You do that" Chris stated, turning on his heels and catching upto Zach who was standing by the door
"What as that about?" He asked
"It was nothing" Chris answerd, wraping his arm around Zach's shoulder.
During the movie, Zach could feel Chris look over at him every now and then. He smiled, reached over and took Chris's hand. Locking their fingers together. Chris smiled and squeezed Zach's hand.
After the movie ended, both boys were just leaving the theater when Chris saw Zach's eyes suddenly widen. He grabed Chris's hand and pulled him back into the theater.
"What the hell is he doing here!?" Zach said, panic resonating in his voice
"Who?" Chris said looking around the corner
Walking down the sidewalk with 4 other guys, was a bigger sturdy looking boy. With short brown hair and blue eyes, it was easy to see this was Zach's older brother. His head held high, it was obvious he was looking for something in peticular.
"That's Joe...my brother"
"I see that"
"Let's go. Can you bring me somewhere? Just anywhere"
"I know just the place" Chris smiled. Taking Zach's hand and leading him back to the car
"So what's the deal with your brother? I mean I know he hunts vampires, but how does he find us?" Chris asked once they were pulling out of the parking lot
"It's like...he's got somekind of 6th sence. He always seems to know when there are vampire's around. He explained it to me once, as almost like he can smell them. Which makes it easier for him to kill them. That's why I wanted to get out of there, because I know he would smell you"
"I can take care of myself Zachary. Don't worry about me" Chris smiled. He wasn't used to someone being worried about him. But he found himself really likeing it.
"Did it...hurt? When you were bitten?" Zach asked suddenly
Chris closed his eyes and nodded. He rememberd everything. Every pain in his body and soul.
"Oh yes. It felt like someone was stabing me in the neck 100 times. I heard that when you give someone permision to bite you, it's not so bad. But I was attacked by newborns and they..."
Chris felt Zach reach over and take his hand
"You don't have to.." Zach said, his voice trailing off
"Did things...that noone should go through. But in short yes it really hurt"
After that the drive got quiet. Zach didn't let go of Chris's hand. That was enough.
"Where are we?" Zach asked a while later. They had just pulled into the parking stall of a beautiful Victorian house. He recognized it right away as the local Funeral Home.
"You know when I said that my parents lived in Oregon?"
"Yeah. You said you still keep in touch with them"
"Come with me?" Chris said, taking Zach's hand and leading him through the tombstones. He stoped at a grave, knelt down and wiped the grass and branches off.
Zach looked down and gasped.
The names
Robert Pine and Gwynne Gilford, stared up at him.
"I'm so sorry. How did...how did they die?"
"Werewolf attack. They were hiking nearby and got attacked. I don't know much else. Werewolves don't leave much evidence behind"
"Chris..I don't know what to say. I'm sorry. Is that why-"
"I don't really like your friend? That might be part of it. But John seems pretty cool, and he's your best friend so he's alright in my books. Come on. Let's get you home before any Zomebie's pop up"
Chris drove slowly on his way to Zach's place. With Zachary doing most of the talking. He chatted about John and how they became friends in High School.
Pulling the Porshe upto Zach's house, he exited the car and followed Zachary up the front steps.
"Please come in Chris" Zach said slowly opening the front door
"Thank you" Chris replied softly
"Anything to drink?" Zach asked, his voice trailing off
"I'm good. But feel free to get yourself something"
"Be right back. Make yourself at home" Zach said heading into the kitchen
Chris removed his shoes and started walking around the living room, looking at the pictures of the wall and fire place.
His stomach droped suddenly when he saw a picture on the mantel
End Of Part 2