Title: Pinto of the dead
Pairing: Pinto (AKA Chris Pine/Zachary Quinto)
Rating: pg-13-R?...for now
Summary: Zachary falls in love with Vampire Chris, with dire consequences
Other: I want to thank the awsome ladies of Pinto Chat
Zach pulled the Porsche into the graveyard parking lot. He'd talked to Kevin, and told him that he didn't think they couldn't last, that he was still in love with someone else. Kevin had known, that the someone had been Chris.
"Zachary" A cold voice suddenly said, from next to him.
Zach turned and saw Kevin standing beside him
"Kevin? What are you doing here?" He asked slowly backing away
"I can't let you do this. Your mine" Kevin answered
"I told you, I love Chris" Zach said turning around and walking towards the grave
He cried out in pain when he felt something large slam over his head. He feel to his hands and knees.
"Also my name isn't Kevin, baby" The man, Zach thought loved him said, looking down at him. It was then that blackness overtook his world
Chris paced the graveyard, trying to keep his mind on anything but Zach. Occasionally going back to Zach's new boyfriend. He didn't trust that guy as far as he could throw him.
He looked down at his watch. 11:50. He sighed and knelt down, tracing the names of his parents, with his index finger.
Zach wasn't coming. Why had he been waiting? Zach was happy with his new boyfriend, and of course Chris had to go and fuck it up.
Heading back to the parking lot, he saw a black Porsche.
'That was not there before' kneeling down, he sniffed the air.
Zach had been there! Only moments ago. He was attacked. By who? He didn't know.
Chris slowly got up and started to follow only 1 pair of scatted footsteps. Someone must have been strong to carry Zach all this way.
He followed the tracks until they headed into the woods.
Chris took a deep breath and headed into the dense forest.
He followed the tracks for a good 10 minutes, when he stopped dead in his tracks. They headed right into the caves.
Chris took a step forward into the darkness, as his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he saw a small stream of red light coming from a passage to his right.
He walked towards it, stopping before he hit the mouth of the large room
Zach woke up with an annoying dull ache in his shoulders. He opened his eyes and was shocked to find himself in a cave
"Good morning" A voice said
Looking up, Zach found himself look at who he thought was his ex boyfriend
"Kevin?" He mumbled
"Not my name baby. My name is Karl, and you really are beautiful. I guess the angel blood will do that to a person"
"Huh?" Zach questioned.
"My dear boy! You must know what you are?"
Zach shook his head, trying to sort everything out
"This is to good" Karl said running a hand through Zachary's hair "You handsome, are part heavenly Angel. Not enough angel in you to make you immortal, but just enough blood to open the gates"
"The gates of what?" Zach asked
"What else? Hell"
Chris gasped. That explained alot
He took one last look at Zachary, and booked it out of the caves.
He ran to his car, jumped in and tore of of the parking lot, praying that Joe would be home on a Thursday night.
He pushed the car into park and ran full speed up the walkway
'Please be home' Chris thought to himself, as he pounded on the front door
"What!" Joe yelled out, swinging the door open, his face twisting in
shock when he saw Chris
"What the hell!? Zach killed you and-"
"The sun doesn't kill us. Only gives us a skin rash, but forget about that! You know Karl?" Chris asked
"Zach's new boyfriend!" Chris cried out
"Oh you mean Kevin! Yeah he's a nice guy, I mean I don't-"
"Wait! You didn't smell him? He's a vampire you know! And right now, this vampire he has your brother trapped in the caves. I need your help"
"Why would I want to help you? In case you have forgotten, I hate your kind"
"You may hate me, but I love your brother. And if you don't help me, he's going to die. Just like your father"
That hit the nerve Chris was hoping for. Joe's shoulders dropped and he looked right at Chris
"Alright. But only because he's my brother. Come in" Joe said moving aside "I need to get some stuff ready. Going to take my truck"