Forever... this took me 4 days

Jul 11, 2004 16:41

Just About You::
What's your name?: Samuel
Any nicknames?: Sam, Samuelizer, Wally
How old are you?: 16
Forget your real age - Characteristically how old would you say you are?: 14
Are you male or female?: male
What do you look like (Yes I know you have 2 arms and legs)?: Medium tall, Black, slightly overweight, piercing, mirthful(new word. Check MY dictionary.)
What do you do for a living?: Live at home
Would you rather be doing something else?: No. For now this is the best option
Do you have any siblings? If so how many and how old are they?: 2, age 9 and 13
Tell me one thing about yourself no one else knows:: I drool sometimes in my sleep
Still About You Just A Little More Random::
Are you a part of any other site aside from GJ? GreatestJournal is a stupid LiveJournal ripoff, like DeadJournal. LiveJournal all the way
Have you ever done anything someone else would call crazy?: Haha from gr. 5-8, I was insane
You mentioned how you look above...would you say it suits you?: Pretty much. Not completely though
What characteristic would you say is uniquely you?: I can read people.
What can you do physically that you believe makes you stand out?: Touch my lip to my nose
What is the one thing about yourself that you are most critical of?: Cowardice
What is the one thing about yourself that you are most proud of?: Being Funny
What would you say is your greatest accomplishment?: Winning Spelling Bee North York
Describe your personality in 5 words only::: Ha Ha Ha Ha Antidisestablishmentarianism
Look at yourself from a friends perspective. Describe in 5 words::: Weird kid/ Funny, yet considerate.
Is there anything you would change about yourself? What is it?: Theres enough.
What would you never change about yourself? Why?: My Blackness, because being black is amazing (and so is being whatever race you are)
Are you a good friend? In what way do you think so?: Well i guess im okay, because I listen and care.
Do you believe in second chances?: Yeah
Who do you look up to most?: Dunno
Are you an extrovert or an introvert?: i'd say its a 50/50 split
Do you enjoy being the center of attention or do you prefer to blend in?: Centre
You go somewhere and know no one, do you mingle or wait to be approached?: Go up and talk to the realest-looking girl
What do you think is completely unforgivable?: Succesful suicide I think is literally impossible to forgive
Have you done anything "unforgivable"? Have you been forgiven?: Yes. Disregard the above; more than that is essentially unforgivable
Wierd Info-Share::
Are you superstitious?: not at all
Can you do anything wierd with any of your body parts?: see above.
Have you ever skinny dipped with the opposite sex?: nay
If you were an animal what would you be?: Jaguar
Could this animal be tamed (aka: Can YOU be tamed)?: Yeah i guess
You are laying in bed, what is on your right-hand side? Whats on your left?: Right: Wall. Left: space between my bro's bed and mine
What is the first thing you do when you get up in the morning?: Listen to see who else is awake
What are your top 5 peeves?: SNOBS, gifties(with exceptions) People throwing up in movies, card games like Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon,people who act stupid
What are your top 5 fetishes?: (keep it clean says sam) Chessecake, bellybuttons, laughing, MSN, my camp
How long does it take you to get out of the shower/bathroom?: Bathroom can take a WHILE but shower usually 10-15 mins
Are you high maintenance or low maintenance?: LOL
How long would you say it takes you to get ready for a date?: Used to take about an hour
Have you ever sunbathed nude?: Nope
Are your nails real or fake?: fake of COURSE
What is the last thing you will share with anyone?: the thing that I'm thinking in my head right now
What is your beauty regime (aka: What is your beauty routine)?: Wash my face, clean my teeth, tilt my head
What do you do to pamper yourself?: Talk to Jen
What is your favorite scent?: My infamous grees stuff
Are you a neat-freak or a "leave it where it lands" sort of person?: leave it where I SPECIFCALLY put it so i can find it again, even though it may look like mess to the untrained eye
Regardless of your gender which are you most comfortable with?: girls
What will you most likely compliment the opposite sex for?: Positive change of appearance
Would you rather be on time looking: what now?
What undergarment do you put on first?: I only have one
Is it what goes off first as well?: Yeah I rip my underwear, then pull them out through the zipper hole of my pants. If i'm wearing pants with no zipper, then i just have to pull them out of my pant legs.
You don't love either, but who would you marry your friend or your lover?: Friend
What is the sexiest attribute a girl can have?: Piercing eyes
What scent (on a girl) can drive you absolutely wild?: Trinidad Cheese if she could acquire it
Do you shower or bathe?: shower
How long do you tie up the shower/bathroom for?: See above
What is your post-shower/bath routine?: Dry, Clothe, Deodorize
Have you ever pee'd in the shower?: yeah a while ago.
Have you ever worn anything two times in a row?: Of course
You just showered and realize you have no clean underwear, what do you do?: Put on the cleanest ones I can find. C'mon, what other choice would i have?
What is a hygiene "no no" for you (What would gross you out to NOT do)?: A lot, but most of all, wipe my bum
Do you bite your nails?: guilty
What is your most attractive attribute?: I think my sense of humour
What body part would you say people notice first about you?: bum cuz its just so obviously there
Would you change anything about your body? What?: bum
Is there anything you are most associated with (Smelling great-etc...)?: Not sure
What's in your bag/purse?: Deodorant, puffer, reading material, somethign to drink
What do you NOT leave home without?: see above
Bring On The Grub (Food)::
How many kinds of cereal are there in your pantry?: Pantry? who has a pantry? I have Raisin Bran and Oatmeal. Healthy.
What is the last thing you would eat no matter how hungry you were?: Someone else's vomit
Do you watch how you eat when you are around people or could you care less?: I care a little.
What is the last thing you ate?: bagel with butter and cheese
What is your favorite alcoholic beverage?: Was Smirnoff Ice
If you could have anything to drink right now what would it be?: pina colada
The dishes are dirty - Who does them?:probably me
What was wierdest food combo you have eaten?: Liver and Peanut Butter
Do you have any weird cravings?: I suppose I must
What is your favorite candy?: STARBURST!
You have only one candy/chocolate left...who do you give it to?: My bro
Miscellaneous - Isn't This Fun::
Are you a heavy sleeper or a light one?: About Medium
Which do you prefer: Night or day?: Night
You just got home from work/school - What do you do?: Go on MSN
What is your favorite quote? Why?: Right now: "If I am sir and you are sir, who will water the horses?" It was the official slogan of apartheid in South Africa for a little while. It means someone has to serve the other. It was their basis for why the black had to be inservitude. While I disagree with that policy, what the quote is saying makes some sense.
What is your favorite smell (rain,grass,gasoline,lighter fluid)?: Trinidad
Choose one sense (touch,sight,taste,hearing,smell):: Why?: Taste because it means you're probably eating
What is your most cherished childhood memory?: Walking up the street to our garbage car.
What was your favorite stuffed animal as a child?: A brown bear wearing an elf hat named Teodore(how they pronouced Theodore in Trinidad).
Who was your best childhood friend - Are you still friends today?: Ting Chung. No, we stopped talking since time
Where would you be if you weren't where you are right now?: On the Basketball court.
What country would you love to revisit?: Trinidad
Which could you live without::Emotion or Intelligence?: Hmm thats a tough one but emotion
If you had to sell one, which would it be your body or your soul?: Body
What is your signature cuss word?: I don't swear
What in your opinion was the ultimate cartoon growing up?: Arthur,and it still kinda is
What don't they air anymore and you think they should bring back?: NEW FAMILY GUY. Actually this TVOKIDS show called Cro
Who is your favorite person?: Me
Who is your least favorite?: Kid from middle school named Luca
Choose 5 friends to take with you to a deserted island:: Who are they?: Adam, Jen, Jackie D., Daniel W, Jimmy(twas a tough decision)
Which breakfast cereal are you?: Apple Cinnamon Cheerios
If you weren't doing this what would you be doing instead?: playing BALL
This Or That::
Sunrise or Sunset?: Sunrise
Loving or Being IN love?: IN love
Intelligence or Humor?: Humour because at least I'd be enjoying myself
Funny & Plain or Exciting & Superficial?: Funny and plain
Going to bed late or Sleeping in late?: Goina Bed late
Eggs:: Runny or Scrambled?: runny is nasty. Scrambled.
Potato chips or Corn chips?: Po-Ta-To(see blonde joke)
A long hug or A short kiss?: umm... long hug
Comfortable or Sexy?: comfortable
Romance:: Exhilarating & Short or Long-lived & 'Dependable'?: umm neither sound good to be honest
Just For The Heck Of It::
Which element would you say describes you (fire,water,air,earth)?: air
Would you say your birth sign suits you? Why? If not which does? Why?: Birth signs are EXTREMELY stupid. I'm not even gonna answer this
Who is your favorite online buddy (choose 5 maximum)::: Mario cause we always argue, and its fun. And also Jen, because she seems to be coming up in multiple categories
Pick a salad dressing that just "makes the salad"::: Ceasar
What was the last dream you are annoyed you didnt get to finish?: Don't remember
Let's Talk About Love::
Do you know the difference between loving someone and being in love?: On reflection, yes.
*See previous question* Do you believe there really is a difference?: yeah theyre actually is
Have you ever been in love? What does it feel like to you?: Nope never in love
Has your perspective on love changed over the years?: Not sure
Do you fall in love easily?: Heh no
Would you say you guard your heart?: No the relationships guard it for me. Dunno if you understand...
So tell me...are you loveable?: I'm not sure it seems so...
Briefly - What do you want out of a relationship?: Not sure at this point. But when the time comes, marriage and a wonderful life
Briefly - What do YOU bring into a relationship?: Laughter, sensitivity, and an emotional wall to lean on :$
Do you believe there is a difference between fate and destiny?: Yes definitely
*See previous question* Do you believe you are in charge of either of them?: Yeah you control your fate
Do you know who you want? If so who is it?: I will find out eventually
Can you see yourself with this person in 5 years?: -.
Could you see yourself settling down with this person?: -
Do you believe in 'soul-mates'?: kinda its complicated
Is this person yours (Your soul-mate)?: -
In 10 words:: How do you feel about this person?: What the heck, I already said, I have no soulmate
What would you most likely say when you see him/her - I want you or I love you?: i love you.
When Was The Last Time You::
Had a meaningful conversation? With whom?: Right now, with my family.
Feel like you learned something from someone?: yesterday at youth
Told someone you loved them (non-family members)?: Prob a couple weeks ago
You laughed at something until your sides ached?: Everyday. I am a laughter addict
You fought with someone? About what?: Last Monday about a family matter.
You actually took the time to write something to someone and send it?: Umm... non electronic?heh heh. Maybe age 8
Heard a song that actually spoke to you?: Every time I go to church or youth. Most recently last night
Showed someone how you truly feel and felt words werent needed?: ... I really don't know
You hugged someone for absolutely no reason?: I don't hug for no reason. I may hug to make someone feel better, but not unnecessarily.
You told someone you were sorry and meant it?: Yesterday
You did something humiliating?: Haha today is a rare day that I haven't. So it would be yesterday
You did something mean?: Yesterday :(
Someone called you just to say "Hi"?: People don't call me unless there is a dire need lol. I think it must've been like november of 2000
You let someone see you at your worst and felt fine with it?: Once we get close enough, I usually feel fine with it. Actually thats not true. It would've had to be never.
You said "Goodbye"?: the other day
You did something just for the heck of it?: Once again, everyday. Singing on stage at band practice.
Let yourself cry?: Last week. I always let myself cry, unless it will directly give someone else satisfaction
Told someone you appreciated them?: Friday
You met someone and felt it was the best thing that ever happened to you?: Never.
You said "Thank you"?: a few mins ago
You fell in love?: Never.
Enjoyed your own company?: at one point this morning
Read a good book?: Umm I think last Thurs. "Be More Chill" by Ned Vizzini
Watched a really good movie? What movie was it?: REALLY good? I'd say Fahrenheit 9/11, 2 weeks ago
Danced as if no one were watching?: I ONLY really dance when no one is watching. Except in gr.8 at a bar mitzpah when I won a scooter for being the most enthusiastic dancer :D
Finish This Sentence::
I want::: money
I wish that::: I had money
The one thing that bothers me::: is that I can't do it all
I think::: That I'm amazing and a failure
_______makes me laugh::: Peter Griffin
I am in love with::: Laughter
I love::: Jesus
You can't define::: my opinion of myself
The only way to succeed is::: What is success to you? I believe that the only way to be truly HAPPY is through salvation by Jesus Christ, but it depends on the definition of success.
Emotions are::: Annoying deceptive distractions fromt he real thing
Hallmark cards are::: good in times of need
Karma is::: some stupid made up garbage that is the basis of most relgions, just called something different in each one
Home is where::: the heart is.
I regret::: Being an idiot in elementary/middle school
Tomorrow I will::: Try to find somewhere to play basketball
_______pisses me off::: Gifty snobbiness
Now For Some Music::
Write the first sentence of a song that describes your life::: "How long, how long will I slide"
What song do you swear was written about your life?: Five for Fighting - Superman
What song do you believe will be played at your wedding?: If I have anything to say about it, So close by Reuben Morgan
What song describes you when you are upset?: Rougly Eminem - Stan
What song would you not be caught dead listening to?:Anything by Hillary Duff
Write the last sentence of the song that describes your relationships::: "You'll never let me go"
More on YOU::
What dessert are you?: Black cake
Would you rather tell someone how you feel or show them?: depends
Someone kneels before you - What do you say?: I hereby night you.
Do you have any unfinished business with anyone?: Definitely
What do you want to remembered for?: Making people feel better
You overhear a friend talking about you - What is she/he saying?: What was he doing?
Are you straight-forward or do you beat around the bush?: Beat it HARD
What is friendship?: A crutch for life, more or less
This quiz is over::
React::: How do you feel?: Hassled cause my bro is complaining over my shoulder
Would you subject others to this quiz?: No guys it took me 4 days
If so why? If not then why not?: Unless you have as much dedication to quizzes as I, then you'll get pregnant and die.
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