Whoa the 30 Hour Famine. That was some indescribable pain. For those of you who don't understand, I eat 5+ times a day. So if I only eat 3 times, im craving food. But from 9 am on Thurs to 6 pm on Fri, I ate NO FOOD. Thats like a new male-member-of-the-Robertson-family-born-in-1987 record. I'm very proud of myself for doing it.
But what really annoys me is these losers like Kevin B and James E. They sign up for the Famine, then they don't take it seriously. They don't try very hard to raise money, they eat voluntarily early in the famine period, and then they stay at school overnight with the faminers pretending they are sharing our pain. I mean, if you don't believe in the principle of the Famine, because its a Christian organization or because you've heard its not a real charity, or even because you know that the famine participants still have more luxuries and juice/water than the starving children, then thats ok. You don't sign up. But going and enjoying your stay at the school at the expense of an organization and volunteers trying to support what they feel is a worthy cause is disrespectful to everyone involve. You are trivializing something that, if nothing else, insitlls empathy for the many millions of people suffering from malnutrition and starvation. And that, in my book, is pretty horrible. You need to take a good look at what kind of person you are if you're exploiting a charitable cause so that you can play Xbox at the school.
Anyways that was a long rant. But I have nothing against those people who didnt sign up; thats your prerogative. It's a free country and you shoud do what you believe is right and best for you. Its just the two-faced that really bother me. Other than that, the 30 Hour Famine was horrible while it lasted, but it really brought out a sense of what the poor in developing countries have ot go through. So now I'm going to actually try and make a difference. and if I improve even 1 kid's life, then it'll be worth it. because that kid coudve been me.