Perhaps some of you are tired of the SAC talk, and now that it's over, I'm gonna talk about it even more. Position by position.
President: Jimmy won. I was semi- surprised. At the outset of all this I thought Ronnie would win, because I knew he was running for president since before I came to DMCI, and he told me that he could've been considered the most popular guy in gr. 11, even though DMCI didn't have a popularity system. Plus Jimmy is gifted, and people hate on gifties. But his video and his speech killed it for many. It was (in the words of voters) badly edited, vulgar, the same as Rebecca's, and the song was repulsed by the rap-haters and considered corny by the middlepersons. So in reality, his presentation only lost him votes, as the people cheering and singing would've already voted for him. Chris had a large contigent of votes even though nothing about his campaign was spectacular. Wenxin, probably the man who could've done the most, lost out because his dance was kind of... bleh. Plus he's not the most socially adept guy in the world, although he's not terrible.
VP: Rebecca won because, she IS probably the most popular girl in gr. 11. She is a nice, friendly person whose renown crosses groups. Her running with Ronnie though was thoughless in my opinion, but she won, so my opinion means nothing. I voted for Shihani because as nice as Rebecca is, to me, Shihani is nicer.
Secretary: Kevin Kwong gave out freezies, and he is a stand-up guy, so he got the position. These candidates were all pretty good, and I imagine it was fairly close. Michelle's another one of those people who is popular all around, but a lot of that is because she is pretty. She doesn't especially talk to everyone. Aiden, who may've been the best candidate, was not voted for her purely because she wasn't flashy about her campaign, her presentation, anything. Jessica Stokes was nice, but she was also unflashy, and slightly unknown in grades other than her own.
Male Athletic: Sean winning was COMPLETELY not in my calculations. Not that I think he will be a bad rep, but I didn't figure his speech not his general popularity to be all that good. Kofi has some general popularity to him as does Neetham, but Neetham's speech was pretty bad. Greg had some good ideas, but he didn't make any actual promises, and I think the others slightly ahead of him in schoolwide popularity.
Fundraiser: I don't really know much about any of the candidates, but I know that although Susan is a nice person, she rubs me the wrong way, and I know she does other people too. Heather seemed like a good choice, but I'm concerned about her lack of forcefulness. Again, I don't know her at all.
S. Convenor: Tim winnig was a total surprise. He had the CORNIEST jokes I've heard since elementary school. But like Tasha said, none of the candidates seemed particularly able. Anitha had a popularity-backed chance, as did Ashley, but Anitha was unflashy, and Ashley for some reason I have not figured out yet is disliked by a lot of people, which kind of counteracts the "popularity" factor. Nick Grottick had a funny campaign, prob the funniest, but his speech was pretty bad and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have done the best job.
Well those are my opinions of the election process. Please feel free to disagree with me in any form. Once again, no offense meant to any of the candidates, and I didn't rate my own campaign and election, so you all are free to be as brutal as you would like. But I'd just like to say, MUSICAL NEXT YEAR!!!