Flower of the wind come now and open up

Oct 20, 2007 23:25

Are you guys tired of meme posts yet?
There are so many interesting ones lately xD

taken from faitoh_oh
1. My username is _____ because ____.
My username was originally 'ffyunie', but it sounds n0obiSh xD
So the changed from 'ffyunie' to 'samuraiblues' was because all the names I actually wanted was taken, except samuraiblues. Samurai Blues is one of Kanjani8's song from 2006. And it's an awesome blues song♥

2. My journal is titled ____ because ____.
&; 『☆#%◎…』 8→1
'『☆#%◎…』' comes from Ryo's song 'Code'. It's definitely my favorite song from him now after reading the lyrics. '『☆#%◎…』' is a code ;)
8→1 is a common referal to Kanjani8.

3. My subtitle is ____ because ____.
our overflowing feelings are infinite
This is a song phrase from Kanjani8's 'Mugendai'. Gosh, I have so many Kanjani8 related things on my LJ. But it couldn't be helped~
Mugendai lyrics are just awesome. It's a personal favorite song of mine and the phrase contains a strong bond.

4. My friends page is called ____ because ____.
It speaks for itself xD

5. My default userpic is ____ because ____.

I like to change my default icon occasionally.
This time, it happened to be yet another Kanjani8 icon. Uchi will return yo!

tagged by linhkawaii
Comment on this post. I'll choose seven interests from your profile and you'll explain what they mean and why you are interested in them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so that others can play along.

1. aoi miyazaki
I really enjoy her acting. And she also has that cute yet elegant image of her's.
I first heard of her when I watched Somday's Dreamer an anime series, because she voice acted the main character, but I never paid much attention to her until I saw NANA the movie.

2. hiraoka yuuta
I first saw him in NANA the movie too~ I never really paid attention to him until for some odd reason, I started watching more movies and dramas without realizing he would be cast in there, such as Tatta Hitotsu no Koi, Kakure Karakuri, and Be with You♥ I'm finishing off First Kiss and can't help but to find him as a handsome actor.

3. mayaa sakamoto
She is so underrated ;____;
I completely love her and I was so happy when she was announced as Aerith voice and motion actress♥ Even though I don't talk about her much, I've been a fan of her's since almost 4 years. It's all Escaflowne's fault :p and then Wolf's Rain came along too in which she sung the ending theme song for, 'Gravity'. It's a beautiful song even though it's super short.
She's one of my all time favorite Japanese celebrity.

4. mizukawa asami
♥♥♥ Mizukawa Asami too is one of my all time favorite Japanese celebrity! If not- my absolute favorite. She has this elegance aura around her. I always find myself drawn onto her acting, which makes me like her so much. If only she'd have more mian roles ;____;
Also both linhkawaii and I have come to a conclusion that we love her long hair xD

5. tokio
I've never been such a big fan and even now I'm just starting to get to know the band. But just from the songs I've heard from them, Nagase has some absolute amazing vocals. It's strong and high and the same time o__o;
I was watching the J Sports 2003 and Shigeru Joshima was absolutely hilarious. I just could not stop laughing xD and Matsuoka was just a complete show off :P

6. uchi hiroki
He is one of my all time favorite Johnny's depsite his absence. Uchi is such a dork I swear, but from the looks of PLAYZONE 2007, it seems like he isn't such one anymore :\ But in anycase, Uchi is a beautiful man. I never liked him much before, but for those who already know, ever since I had a dream of him I started liking him because the dream was absolutely beautiful xD I have so much to say about him, but it's going to go on for so long. So to make it short, Uchi.. I.. ☆#%◎… xD

7. yui
I remember when YUI's popularity wasn't so big as it is today, but I'm glad she has made it big, because her songs are wonderful. I love listening to her albums and singles.

Yesterday was my nephew's birthday, so maybe I'll post some things on it later with some photos because my siblings and I got a little crazy with the camera! D:

oh and...
sexmeupjohnnys sexmeupjohnnys sexmeupjohnnys
♥♥♥ Please join and spread the comm around 8Dv
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