dramaticmuses: Knowledge

Feb 18, 2007 19:36

OOC Notes: Strong language. Spoilers up through "Hunted" (SPN 02x10).

Dean was being a dick, again, but Sam didn't care right then. He was watching a ridiculous debate on demonic languages unfold on an online message board where no one really knew what the fuck they were talking about. It was just as well, though, because if they ever did learn the truth, too many of them would wreak havoc, mostly by accident, trying to use some little nugget of incomplete information.

Knowledge was a weapon, even in unskilled or well-intentioned hands, and Sam probably knew that better than anyone else ever could.

How many foreign words would pass his lips in service to the Demon if his destiny came to pass? How many rituals would he twist as a soldier against humanity, bringing ever darker creatures up from the pit of Hell? Just how much of the knowledge he'd gained as a Hunter would become perverted and redirected, an asset to the enemy his family had vowed to destroy?

It made him wish, sometimes, that he didn't know so much.

spoilers: spn season 2, character: the demon, 3rd person, character: dean winchester, !writing sample, community: dramaticmuses

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