Update the 117th ~ Damn...

Jul 13, 2004 23:04

spooningbadgers: fuck my mother in the ass
spooningbadgers: in a bad way
dotakapip: o.o
dotakapip: What's wrong, sweetness? *cuddles*
spooningbadgers: so, im watching the show, and she comes home and sits down, happens to be during the part where they are talking about Madonna’s silver sex book that came out in 1992...
spooningbadgers: she tells me to turn it off, gets fucking pissed at me, then when I turn around to talk to her about it, she goes, oh look, Dom
spooningbadgers: i fucking missed him
dotakapip: AUGH!
dotakapip: *strangles her*
spooningbadgers: and then she shut it off told me to go downstairs to watch it. i told her that the satellite wasn't working downstairs, she sends me out of the room to go work on it, then comes down to try to fix it saying "oh while you were down her, Dom was talking again"
spooningbadgers: then the one downstairs still doesn't work and i miss seeing ren and stimpy
dotakapip: Dom is gonna be at the Comic Con too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
spooningbadgers: *cries*
dotakapip: Hey, wanna come down to Fresno on Thursday then we can both go down Friday morning? ;-)
dotakapip: If we leave early enough we can get there by noon.
spooningbadgers: yeah, but what's the date
dotakapip: Thurs the 22
spooningbadgers: see i think the whole reason i can't go is cause im at camp
spooningbadgers: yeah i can't
spooningbadgers: **
dotakapip: Aww ><
spooningbadgers: FUCK!
dotakapip: No exceptions?
spooningbadgers: and after all that just happened im really fucking pissed
spooningbadgers: if it wasn't my last year, i could stand to leave, but this camps been a part of my life since i was in 6th grade... and it's in Healdsburg (3 hours north of sf)
dotakapip: Argh ><
dotakapip: Not even for Dom and Billy?
dotakapip: ... and David? lol
spooningbadgers: i really cant... i wouldn't have permission from the camp director.
spooningbadgers: FUCK!
dotakapip: *headdesk*
spooningbadgers: Nothing ever works out for me... FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK! ive wanted to be a part of the whole film industry since i was in fucking 3rd grade! that's when i knew i wanted to be a director! was when i was fucking 7 years old and my dad read me LOTR... FUCK FUCK FUCK! why can't i get a fucking break! and then shite like this happens, even when people are near i can't go..... like rubbing salt in the wound*
spooningbadgers: i just fucking want to be a part of that but it just proves that my dreams are so fucking far away and fucking hard to reach GAH!
spooningbadgers: *breaks lamp*
dotakapip: You can't just not go to camp? I mean, it's impossible to get out of? Or would you just not be willing to not go to camp for the Comic Con?
spooningbadgers: LOL no, this camp is my life... if it wasn't my last year then i'd go, but im a graduating sr. never missed a year in 7 years, not going to now.. i'd regret it for the rest of my life
dotakapip: *nodding*
spooningbadgers: *chews nails*
spooningbadgers: *explodes from trying not to scream*
dotakapip: How long would you be at camp and what days?
spooningbadgers: little help? lol
spooningbadgers: from the 16th till the 31
dotakapip: (I'm trying to help, dear, lol))
spooningbadgers: lol i know babe
dotakapip: Hmmm...
spooningbadgers: im not going to be able to go, there's no way around it
spooningbadgers: i just needed to bitch for a moment
dotakapip: lol
spooningbadgers: and i'll probably continue to later as well
spooningbadgers: i don't think it would have been as bad, but this on top of the episode with my mom, on top of finding out Dom will be there too
dotakapip: I'll probably have my cell phone by then and I'll be sure to call you right before I go to get autographs so I can ask the boys to say hi to you. :-)
spooningbadgers: gawd, good thing lijh is filming in prague, cause if he wasn't i'd fucking go crazy if i found out he was gonna be there too lol
spooningbadgers: *cries* or at least leave a message... comicon's during the week im in camp, so i cant have a cell phone, but i can check in that night, and call you that saturday.... lol you can tell them my live story LOL maybe they will take pity on me and call at a later date, and get me into the business LOL
spooningbadgers: <<-- dreamer
dotakapip: lol!
dotakapip: Hey, I can always try.
dotakapip: I've heard they're very sweet guys so they just might *shrugs*
spooningbadgers: it's possible *sighs*
spooningbadgers: when will you know if you are going for sure?
dotakapip: When I can talk to whoever I'm going with and also my potential employer.
spooningbadgers: *nods* i hope i know before i leave hehe
spooningbadgers: ill have my cell till sunday though
dotakapip: I'm trying to get a job at a friend's store and I'm hoping to get an interview soon. The fact that she's a friend will help my chances of getting Friday and maybe Thursday off.
spooningbadgers: yeah
dotakapip: *Argh* *searching the Comic Con site, trying to find autograph session info*
spooningbadgers: lol
spooningbadgers: *feels heart break*
dotakapip: *hugs and snogs*
spooningbadgers: *snuggles*
dotakapip: I'll do everything I can to get you Billy and Dom lovliness. Autographs, answering machine messages, them tied up in sacks... or even better, both of them tied up in the same sack...
spooningbadgers: *dies happily*
spooningbadgers: sorry im so pathetic all of a sudden... all fan girlish in a matter of moments... lol it's really not as bad as it seems... it's more of the fact that every time something like this happens, it's just another thing telling me dreams don’t come true
spooningbadgers: hehe guess what im listening too
dotakapip: ???
spooningbadgers: baby..... i'd love you to want me.... the way that i want you.... the way that it should be...
dotakapip: (Argh, sorry, for some reason AIM is being flakey with telling me when I have new messages. *kicks it*)
spooningbadgers: lol yeah....
dotakapip: *turns on WMP and listens to it*
dotakapip: *singing*
dotakapip: When I saw you standing there...
dotakapip: Dude, that's like our song now.
spooningbadgers: *blushes* want to dance?
dotakapip: *blushes* I thought you'd never ask! ^_^

That and I'll be leaving for camp from the 16th-31st... missing some great concerts, and worst of all Comi Con... GAH!

Well... in otherwords I got a gift from Lauren and Gen... A HUGE AUTOGRAPHED PICTURE OF FRODO! EEEEEEEEE *dies and is dead* He's all angsty.

Oh, and if you want to read mine and stash's story [A Surfer's Dream] it can be located here: willdirect4food That is my new story based LJ account... also new drabbles up on domlijah

Not for the faint of heart.

~ T.

PS: Oh... and I'm gonna miss my pups and muns *pets them*
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