Sometimes I think people are hurting so bad that when you tell them you care about them, they don't want to believe that someone could love them when they dont even love themself.
RrWillTurnerRr (1:49:14 PM): we need to talk katie
nothingunwanted (1:49:20 PM): ok
RrWillTurnerRr (1:49:46 PM): You're throwing your life away and its freaking me out. Does it freak you out?
RrWillTurnerRr (1:49:51 PM): I know I'm not worried over nothing
nothingunwanted (1:50:02 PM): wat?
nothingunwanted (1:50:12 PM): im guessing you talked to ****
RrWillTurnerRr (1:50:17 PM): Yea I did
nothingunwanted (1:50:21 PM): o
nothingunwanted (1:50:25 PM): wat did he say
nothingunwanted (1:50:52 PM): dont b mad @ me
RrWillTurnerRr (1:50:52 PM): He said you were either going to have your first time with him or someone from a trailer park or something, but its not just about that
RrWillTurnerRr (1:51:03 PM): I'm not mad @ you, just said for you
nothingunwanted (1:51:03 PM): then wat is it?
RrWillTurnerRr (1:51:05 PM): *sad
nothingunwanted (1:51:08 PM): o
RrWillTurnerRr (1:51:20 PM): Its everything, you're at Allisons right now right?
nothingunwanted (1:51:30 PM): stop treating me like im a kid your not my fucking mom
nothingunwanted (1:51:33 PM): yea
RrWillTurnerRr (1:52:12 PM): I'm not treating you like a kid, I'm treating you like a friend, or trying to. But you never seem to care about yourself or me. Maybe I'm wasting my breath but wasn't I right last time you, me and Allison were in this situation?
nothingunwanted (1:52:46 PM): that was a year ago... i dont get wat this has to do with anything
RrWillTurnerRr (1:52:57 PM): and did Allison put that last little bit in your mouth? because thats not you katie.
nothingunwanted (1:53:24 PM): maby i wana stick up fer myself once in awhile
RrWillTurnerRr (1:53:31 PM): It has to do with the fact that your a good person, you always have been, but when you hang out with people who don't care about you, like Allison, it hurts me, and whether you care or not it hurts you
RrWillTurnerRr (1:53:54 PM): maybe, but I'm not a threat to you Katie, your a threat to yourself, stick up for yourself to yourself
nothingunwanted (1:53:55 PM): allison cares about me
nothingunwanted (1:53:57 PM): more then you
RrWillTurnerRr (1:54:04 PM): Like shit she does.
nothingunwanted (1:54:10 PM): she loves me
nothingunwanted (1:54:13 PM): w.e
RrWillTurnerRr (1:54:17 PM): If she cared she wouldnt stand by and watch you hurt yourself
RrWillTurnerRr (1:54:23 PM): I LOVE YOU katie. Your like a sister to me.
nothingunwanted (1:54:32 PM): hurt myself?
RrWillTurnerRr (1:54:36 PM): Yes.
nothingunwanted (1:54:40 PM): wat the fuck did **** tell you?
nothingunwanted (1:54:50 PM): wat the hell?
RrWillTurnerRr (1:54:53 PM): That you guys had sex, and your only 15 Katie!
nothingunwanted (1:55:06 PM): so?
RrWillTurnerRr (1:55:29 PM): Sex isn't about fucking, its about love and caring about your body. Did **** tell you how you made him feel, or dont you care?
nothingunwanted (1:55:50 PM): hey this is allison now...shes only 15 ey? well hey hun uve never fucking had a bf so shes lucky that ppl like her and she can do shit so fuck off hers kt
RrWillTurnerRr (1:56:32 PM): Allison, I chose not to have a boyfriend, it was my choice, it always has been. It hasn't hurt me, and neither does that.
nothingunwanted (1:56:57 PM): how did i make him feel
nothingunwanted (1:56:59 PM): ??
RrWillTurnerRr (1:57:02 PM): Used.
RrWillTurnerRr (1:57:12 PM): Like all you wanted was sex and you didnt care about him.
nothingunwanted (1:57:24 PM): its not like he cared about me
RrWillTurnerRr (1:57:29 PM): Like if he had turned you away you would have turned him away and gone and fucked someone else
RrWillTurnerRr (1:57:31 PM): YES HE DOES
nothingunwanted (1:57:34 PM): and plus if i didnt care about him i woodnt have done it
nothingunwanted (1:57:45 PM): prolly
RrWillTurnerRr (1:57:50 PM): But if he had said no you would have fucked someone else?
RrWillTurnerRr (1:58:11 PM): Thats not caring about him, thats wanting sex and nothing else
nothingunwanted (1:58:34 PM): your rite
nothingunwanted (1:58:43 PM): all i wanted was sex
nothingunwanted (1:58:46 PM): yes sex
nothingunwanted (1:58:49 PM): i like sex
RrWillTurnerRr (1:58:54 PM): ok, good for you
nothingunwanted (1:59:14 PM): i know this is allison now
nothingunwanted (1:59:19 PM): stop beinmg her mom
nothingunwanted (1:59:24 PM): cusz honeslty ur not
RrWillTurnerRr (1:59:26 PM): I'm not, I'm trying to be her friend
nothingunwanted (1:59:34 PM): not her friend her mom
RrWillTurnerRr (1:59:36 PM): I know I'm not, i havent had a boyfriend remember? let alone babies
nothingunwanted (2:00:12 PM): if u were her friend u would let her decide or give her a tip or something not telling her what to do cuz that makes her want to do it more
RrWillTurnerRr (2:00:41 PM): I'm not telling her what to do, I'm telling what isn't right, and I'm trying to help, you just dont know the difference
nothingunwanted (2:01:00 PM): whats not right to u hun ppl have different perspectives
nothingunwanted (2:01:05 PM): who said it not right?
RrWillTurnerRr (2:01:37 PM): Right and Wrong aren't what i think or you think, it is wrong. You just have a scewed perspective because of the life style you're in
nothingunwanted (2:02:27 PM): just cuz im not a book worm and dont bee leev in all this self value shit doesnt make me or kt wrong
nothingunwanted (2:02:45 PM): u apparently need a relality check hun its 2003 not the olden dayz
RrWillTurnerRr (2:02:50 PM): Katie used to be my best friend, I knew her inside and out and I still care about her, deeply. Why would I hurt someone I loved? Katie knows me and she knows I'm trying to help, shes just not letting me in. 15months ago she would have asked me for help but now I dont uderstand her... I want to.
RrWillTurnerRr (2:02:58 PM): Hun, I'm 16, I know its 2003.
RrWillTurnerRr (2:03:25 PM): Just because its 2003 doesnt mean getting pregnant or getting STD's is right, itdoesn;t mean hurting people or yourself is ok.
nothingunwanted (2:03:49 PM): i didnt know this person had std's
nothingunwanted (2:03:52 PM): but yea ok
nothingunwanted (2:03:59 PM): let her do what shes wishes
RrWillTurnerRr (2:04:02 PM): they dont, but they could have
nothingunwanted (2:04:03 PM): leave this alone
nothingunwanted (2:04:07 PM): and u wont be worried
nothingunwanted (2:04:16 PM): stop bitchin
RrWillTurnerRr (2:04:19 PM): ok, I'll leave this alone, but I wont leave her alone
RrWillTurnerRr (2:04:21 PM): I'm not bitching
RrWillTurnerRr (2:04:31 PM): I dont want to talk to you Allison, i want to talk to Katie
RrWillTurnerRr (2:04:42 PM): She said she wanted to stick up for herself so let her
nothingunwanted (2:04:45 PM): well aint that a bitch
nothingunwanted (2:04:50 PM): she has
nothingunwanted (2:04:56 PM): im actually typing for her
RrWillTurnerRr (2:04:58 PM): shes letting you take the hits, when she should be
RrWillTurnerRr (2:05:08 PM): she can type on her own
nothingunwanted (2:05:11 PM): she is actually
RrWillTurnerRr (2:05:19 PM): fine Allison
nothingunwanted (2:05:20 PM): she fucks us and shes eating
nothingunwanted (2:05:25 PM): fine amber
nothingunwanted (2:05:46 PM): u need to get out...stop ready the lil house on the praire
RrWillTurnerRr (2:05:53 PM): Katie-- if you need me, call me, please
nothingunwanted (2:05:54 PM): become a nun
RrWillTurnerRr (2:06:03 PM): i dont read the little house on the prarie and I'm not catholic
nothingunwanted (2:06:07 PM): if u are against sex
RrWillTurnerRr (2:06:15 PM): im not against it
nothingunwanted (2:06:20 PM): then shut up
RrWillTurnerRr (2:06:23 PM): I'm against 15 year olds having sex
nothingunwanted (2:06:25 PM): shut the fuck up
RrWillTurnerRr (2:06:36 PM): All you had to do was ask.
nothingunwanted (2:07:03 PM): ok then i just did
nothingunwanted (2:07:08 PM): so u must leave now
nothingunwanted (2:07:09 PM): peace
nothingunwanted (2:07:19 PM): go read some books and get educated
nothingunwanted (2:07:22 PM): buh bye