So much has been going on the last few weeks, I don't even know where to start! Actually, yes I do. Bitching!
So, we had Thanksgiving dinner last Saturday here at my parents house. At some point during the night, I noticed my throat was getting extremely ragged and sore. I figured because I was smoking too much. No matter, I cut back for a few hours. The next day, the sore throat has bloomed into something worse. I start drinking lots of fluids and popping Halls like candy. The throat gets better and than my sinuses start getting fucked. I go through 2 boxes of kleenex. SInuses clear up and throat gets sore again. More Halls, throat calms down and now my sinuses are so bad my face feels like it's about to explode. Not only that but I've noticed that this doesn't seem like the typical runny nose, because there is...something in the mucus that is making it just smell...awful. I also contract a fever twice during this time. Once when I can't possibly seem to keep any heat inside me, I'm literally freezing and then I start burning up a few days later.
I know that sounds really weird and potentially TMI, but oh well. :D
I go to the doctor. He doesn't tell me what it is, but I figure it's just an advanced case of sinus issues. It happens. I mention the funky tasting/smelling mucus. He says I probably got an abrasion inside my sinuses from blowing my nose too much (there was not enough kleenex in the world to help me) and it is most likely pus. That is fucking gross. So not only am I having a runny nose with pus, I'm also swallowing this stuff in my sleep which is giving me another sore throat and basically poisoning me. Yay!
$120 later, I get some major antibiotics and now get to spend this week likely just as heavily medicated as I was last week, if not more. I very rarely get sick, but when I do, it's awful. The pain in my sinuses is excruciating and makes it very hard to concentrate. It also seems to be messing with my jaw, as it now hurts to open my mouth for anything much more than forming words. Eating is very difficult. Not to mention this makes me a very bad homo. 3:
Mid-terms this week too! So I'm hoping the medications will kick it up a notch and I'll recover faster in time to concentrate on studying and tests. School is going well. I seem to be doing very well, averaging about 80+% on tests, which is nice for me, the average student! I've made a couple friends outside of class now, whom I can hang out with, which is nice. One of which is basically an exact clone of me with only a few minor differences. We have so much in common that it is almost un-nerving.
Need to find a job while I'm out there. OSAP kinda dicked me around and so I only have enough funding for my tuition and residence. Which sucks. I only have half of the books I need, and my classes do actually seem to require them for the most part, so it's made things somewhat difficult, but I've been managing.
Writing wise, I've actually been either far too busy with school work, home work, social life, being sick, spending time when I can with the BF and having a few hours to myself to just cut loose, to actually do any writing at all. No bueno. Simply put, I have a deadline to make on a story for next month and I haven't even got any solid ideas except for a few things. Part of me wishes to get in contact with the coordinator of this anthology and sadly drop out, but I realize there really isn't a whole lot of time to find a new person and get them to write something. At least I have some small ideas already. I just need to stick my nose to my keyboard and go. Perhaps during my 3 hour long trips back to Oshawa.
I think that's more than enough verbal garbage for the time being.