Aug 20, 2016 01:33

Discedo App

Name: Nica
LJ: kurainoyume
E-Mail: kuraikun@blackopalproductions.com
IM: Yume no Kakyou
Characters played at Discedo: Ari, Kantarou, Silk, Hans, Lute, Gremio

Character's Name: Pope Alessandro XVIII
Series: Trinity Blood (Novels: Rage Against the Moons)
Timeline: During the Know Faith arch of the third Rage Against the Moons book.
Canon Resource Link:
I would like to point out that the novels differ a bit from the anime and manga, and the RAM books take place before the events of the manga and most the anime. Other than a few details though, they are all roughly about the same.

Personality: Alessandro is very shy, in fact he is painfully shy. He is so painfully shy he faints when needing to interact with large crowds. He gets physically ill and shakes and stutters when he has to do any sort of public demonstration. But, though strangers scare him, he can be very personable with people he has gotten to know. When people don't ignore him he does like to talk. In fact, he can get excitable and start babbling on and on to the point where he might be hard to understand.

On top of being shy, he is easy to manipulate and force into a situation, though, if something truly bothers him he will speak up against it. Though he might be hesitant, and it may take a lot, he will speak his mind, and if it is important enough to him, he can even do it without stuttering.

Alessandro is a kind person, he can show compassion for many things, including things that scare him. He will not let preconceptions keep him down, if there is a reason something he knows might be wrong, he will question it, and see for himself what the truth may be.

He comes across as dimwitted and not very smart, mostly because of his stuttering and shy demeanor, his expression is usually one that looks confused. But, though he might request something explained simply, he is not stupid at all, he can be quite intuitive and can reach proper conclusions quickly when given the chance. He simply lacks self esteem and assumes himself to be stupid and useless, thus causing most of his own problems in that respect.

What your character can offer: He really can't offer much, he's very weak, and is quite young. He's more of a hindrance than anything else. He has no special abilities, and though he's not stupid, and is noted as being rather intelligent, it's not in any way that would benefit anyone. He is a religious figure head though, and to those who care he is considered very important.

What items will they be bringing with them? His official vestments, including rosary, hat and cross. Nothing else.

Third-Person Sample:
Alessandro awoke to a dark room, at first he panicked, this wasn't the isolation cell he was in when he had gone to sleep! Had he been moved? Did something happen? He moved his hands slowly, hitting pieces of rubble and discarded items around him. Was he still in the castle? Did something happen to the castle?

He gave a small groan as he sat up slowly. He was sore and achy and cold. The room was very very cold. It was much colder than it should have been, at least it seemed that way. Slowly he could make out shapes, the room he was in had discarded furniture in various stages of disrepair, it looked like somewhere long abandoned.

It was scary. It was scarier than when he spoke with his uncle.

He raised his hands to his chest, and hunched his shoulders. His eyes darted back and forth like a scared rodent. He shifted a bit, his foot pushed against a table leg causing something small and metallic to fall to the floor with a clang.

"UAAAH!" he cried out at the sound almost jumping out of his skin. His breath had quickened and his eyes had gone wide, his hands immediately had gone to cover his head. It took him a moment to calm down, it was only something falling... nothing else. He paused, blinking a bit in the general direction of where the can had fallen. "It's... it's j-j-just a can..." he said softly to himself stuttering.

Just when he was about to relax he noticed a strange barrel off to the corner. The can had rolled towards it bouncing off the side. Suddenly the barrel sprouted legs and an eye, it looked towards the can and then over to Alessandro. With a frightening speed the creature started heading towards the boy Pope.

"AHHHHH!" he screamed, his body ready to faint. Yet, there was some sort of survival instinct in him, one that didn't let that happen yet. Instead he shuffled away, backing up as quickly as possible. Sadly there was a wall not far behind him, he hit it hard. The Barrel Spider was right in front of him, there was nothing he could do but curl up, press his hands together and pray.

Before the monster could strike the floor gave way, the rotted boards caused Alessandro to fall down to the room below. Luckily he didn't land on anything hard, and the creature above soon gave up. It was all too much though, and Alessandro was reduced to gasps and sobs, unable to keep himself from shaking. Where was he? What was going on?

"I-I-I want... I want... to g-g-go home..." he sobbed into his hands curling up into a small ball, not leaving the place he had fallen.

He was terrified, he didn't know what was going on, where he was, or what was going on. All he knew was that no only had he been kidnapped, but now he was completely alone in a more alien place. He couldn't even think of anything to do in this situation, he truly was a useless and pathetic person. He desperately wished for his sister to be near, or Vaclav Havel. Even though the agent that had previously been known as Know Faith was a traitor, Alessandro felt safe with him. He was a good man... and he made the young Pope feel calmer when he was around.

But... no one was around now... it was just him, alone, in an empty, cold and dark room. A room that had horrible creatures lurking above it, and possibly in it as well. In the end, the only thing he could think to do was pray.

First-Person Sample: [Accidental Video]

[The video suddenly turned on. All that can be seen is darkness.]


[There is the cry of what sounds like a boy in distress. Shortly followed there is a crash, and the sense of movement. There is the sound of rustling and falling. The communicator is now on its side, yet still doesn't show much. If one were to look very closely they would see a teenage boy curled up not far. He's wearing white and is audibly crying.]

I-I-I want... I want... to g-g-go home...

[There is a long pause as the boy continues to cry and visibly shake.]

Wh-wh-where am I? Th-th-this c-c-c-can't be B-B-Brno.... Could it be the Empire...? But....

[The boy continued to mutter to himself, stuttering the entire time.]

V-Vaclav said... I-I'm sure he wouldn't have let anything happen.... But... what's going on...?

[There was another long pause before the soft and frightened voice spoke up again.]

S-S-Sancte Michael A-A-Archangele, defende nos in p-p-proelio; contra nequitiam et i-i-insidias diaboli e-e-esto praesidium. Imperat i-i-illi Deus; s-s-supplices deprecamur: tuque, Princeps militiae c-coelestis, Satanam aliosque spiritus ma-malignos, qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo, d-divina virtute in infernum detrude.


[As he resided the prayer to himself he seemed to calm down just a little bit, his speech becoming clearer. He repeats it again and again until the video times out.]

(OOC: I'm including the prayer in English, though he probably mumbled it as well as the Latin.

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle, be our safeguard and protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; may God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls.

Amen. )

Pluto IX App

NAME: Nica
AGE: 26
PERSONAL LJ: kurainoyume
EMAIL ADDRESS: kurakun@blackopalproductions.com
AIM SCREENAME: Yume no Kakyou
EXPERIENCE RPing: Around 10, lot's of fandoms, it's hard to summarize this. I already play Vayne and Julius

NAME: Pope Alessandro XVIII
AGE: There is a source that states 15, but I have also heard 17. (Either way he's a teenager.)
ROLE IN CANON: HE IS THE POPE! He is a minor character though one of the most important people in his world. He's a puppet leader for his sister and brother.
FANDOM/MEDIUM: Trinity Blood I'll be using mostly anime, but will be padding him out from the manga and novels.
TIMELINE PERIOD: Before Albion but after meeting Esther. (I'm trying to keep it vague enough to work with. Alessandro interacts with few outside Caterina and Francesco and Petros on a regular basis.
CHARACTER BACKGROUND: Alessandro was elected Pope at a very young age, and is still quite young. He is really nothing more than a puppet leader. Caterina and Francisco, his sister and brother respectively, are the true rulers of The Vatican and push Alessandro to do as they tell him. Though he is one of the most important people in the world, he has very little idea of what's actually going on around him, and is usually left in the dark on many matters.

He doesn't really show up with any precedence in the anime until he visits Albion, during this time there is an attempted kidnapping and he falls in with a group of Methuselah living under Londunium. At first he is scared of them, but after seeing that they, like him, have the same goals and feelings he realizes there is nothing to fear. He becomes close to a small girl and when letting her show him around (ie being dragged around be her.) his kidnapers find him again. A little later Petros finds him and rescues him taking him away. After this Alessandro decides to be stronger and actively try and make a world where they can all have peace.

CHARACTER PERSONALITY: Alessandro is a shy, quiet and extremely nervous individual. Everything makes him scared and yelling and loud noises startle him. He tends to cry a lot and is prone to fainting when dealing with a lot of people. He is insecure and looks up to his brother and sister a whole lot. He wishes he could be more like them, but can't see how he ever could. He's a very kind person, who can show compassion even for the things he previously feared.

WORLD: It's 900 years after Armageddon in the year is sometime after 3060 or so. The world is a dark place where the Catholic Church is a major military power and humans are at odds with vampires called Methuselah. Technology has reverted in some ways, and is beyond in others. Currently both sides are trying to find a way to peace, yet that goal is a very precarious ambition.


It was loud, it was too loud. People were calling this way and that, and there was a lot of movement. Before Alessandro could even try and guess as to what was going on he was processed through so many people, handed so many things, and asked to fill out so many other things, he could hardly keep it all straight.

What was going on? Was he on some giant air ship? And if so, how did he get there? Yet, it didn't look like anything he had ever seen before and people were mostly ignoring him. Well, that's how it usually was, but it seemed when he was outside in the public people usually paid him more attention.

"Ah... u-um...." he tried to ask one of the people who were pushing him this way and that but was ignored. He didn't try and speak up again and just let them finish what they were doing. They were telling him things, but he wasn't paying them much attention, he felt too frightened to make much sense of any of it.

Finally after what felt like forever he found himself in a room. It was a bare and simple room, nothing like his room at the church. There was no one there now, no one outside, no one in the room, just him, alone.

He sat down in the corner and started to cry into his hands. He was scared, and confused, and alone. What was going to happen to him? Where was everyone? Where was he? These thoughts plagued him and just caused the tears to flow ever more.


Ah... um.... I-I'm not sure exactly what this is for... but....

[The voice of a young and scared sounding boy trails off as if it might not continue. A few moments go by before it comes back to life.]

...But I'm not sure what's going on.... I-I think they tried to explain it, but... I don't remember what they said. Is... is something bad going on? I... If there is... I don't know what I can do. I don't know why anyone would want me here....

[The voice trails off and is consumed by a soft sobbing sound. He continues to cry unable to continue speaking anymore.]

I'm using mostly anime canon, but am going to infer personal relations based on the manga, and gain details on the political structure from the novels.

ooc, app

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