Vivid disney colouring

Nov 28, 2008 14:55


Difficulty: Medium
Uses: Selective Colouring, so it's not translatable
10 Easy steps

1. New Fill layer: EBFBA2 set to softlight %100
2. New Fill layer: 9ED0F6 set to softlight %100
3. New Fill layer: E4A0F4 set to softlight %100
4. New Selective Colouring layer:

Reds: +100, +35, -14, +30
Neutrals: -6, +14, +14, +14

5.Duplicate your base and bring it to the top. Set this layer to softlight.
6. Duplicate your layer in step 5.
7. New Hue/Saturation layer:

Master: +36

8. New Fill layer: 9ACEF6 set to colourburn at 30%
9. New Selective Colouring layer:

Reds: -20, -17, +4, +21
Yellows: +100, +35, -100, 0
Whites: 0, 0, 0, -43
Neutrals: +24, +6, -7, 0

10. New Channel Mixer layer:

Red: +152, -26, -62, 0
Green: +18, +108, -34, +4
Blue: -38, +24, +110, 0

Set this layer to screen at %30 .

And your done !
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