Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) When did you last call
wehaveonlytoday? yesterday?
2) What is
katieanne_'s favorite movie? no clue.. dirty dancing?
3) What would
wickkedevil give
shainastar for his/her birthday? nothing, they dont know each other
4) Does
wickkedevil travel a lot? she moves.
5) Does
wickkedevil do drugs? no?
6) If
rebel_football took over the world, who would suffer? The bus drivers.
7) Would you wrestle
baloney_samich in jello? Yes
8) Does
holmesboy have a dog? yes
9) Have you flirted with
orthae182? Yes,
10) How long have you known
sara_star? a long fuckin time.
11) Where did you first meet
twoconnectthree? in grade 3?
12) What do you agree with
wickkedevil about? a lot.
13) Is
orthae182 friends with
johnnypowers? i dont know.
14) How many monkeys could
wickkedevil fight at once and win against? at least 29
15) Does
jimmybear have a crush on
phetus_samich? i dont think so
16) Where would
holmesboy most like to visit? ....ireland?
17) How would
baloney_samich kill
phetus_samich? with a poison cookie.
18) Which of your friends should
holmesboy go out with? moey?
19) Is
holmesboy an emo? YES
20) Do you have a crush on
jimmybear? Ha.
21) If
adambastard and
orthae182 were spliced together, what would be its name? bladam
22) What is
cancerinastar's favorite game? catch the puppy
23) If
rebel_football had a superpower, what would it be? reading minds.
24) Would you set up
shainastar and
katieanne_? naah.katie is a little too straight.,.
25) What animal does
cancerinastar remind you of? a ninja turtle.