Fun at the Titty Twister.
Which B-Movie Badass Are You? brought to you by
Quizilla Anyway, now that people are back we can ... ...... cake. I don't know what I was going to say, I forget.
Lizzie is getting so big! :D I took a bajillion photos of her for an album we will bring out to embarrass her with when she has her first boyfriend. This is traditional in Norway! Also it strikes me that it would be really awkward if people found any photos of me and Daniel, because then I will have to be like "ha ha no, he only LOOKS like the guy on TV" or it's slander lawsuit for me! ... And I just mean normal pictures, by the way, there are not photos of anything else, unless Dawnie DIED AND WAS FLOATING AROUND INVISIBLY WITH A CAMERA AND A DISTINCT LACK OF MORALS AGAIN.
Now I am tired and going to sleep, because it was a long day but Sara always gets that cute smug face when she closes a case.
But we, when moved by deep feeling, evaporate; we breathe ourselves out and away;
from moment to moment our emotion grows fainter, like a perfume.
Though someone may tell us: "Yes, you've entered my bloodstream, the room,
the whole springtime is filled with you . . . "--what does it matter? he can't contain us,
we vanish inside him and around him.
And those who are beautiful, oh who can retain them?
Appearance ceaselessly rises in their face, and is gone.
Like dew from the morning grass, what is ours floats into the air, like steam from a dish of hot food.
O smile, where are you going?
O upturned glance: new warm receding wave on the sea of the heart . . .
alas, but that is what we are.
Does the infinite space we dissolve into, taste of us then?
Do the angels really reabsorb only the radiance that streamed out from themselves,
or sometimes, as if by an oversight, is there a trace of our essence in it as well?
Are we mixed in with their features even as slightly as that vague look
in the faces of pregnant women?
They do not notice it (how could they notice) in their swirling return to themselves.
- from the Second Elegy (of the Duino Elegies) by Rainer Maria Rilke
((I blame Bobbymun. And it is absolutely true this time!))
((When I IMDBed to figure out the movie, I noted that they have George Clooney credited as "Lip Syncing Transvestite" in some movie called
The Harvest. Ha ha OH HOLLYWOOD.))