A - AGE: 15
C- CRUSH: I honestly dont like anyone at the moment...i dont know if thats a good thing or a bad thing...but it is a little bit of a relif not to have to stress out about anyone
D - DAD'S NAME: Stephen
F - FAVORITE BAND: wow, thats a really hard quetion...im into the indie bands, im rather fond of The Shins and Elliot Smith, Ted Leo and the Pharmacists, Death Cab For Cutie, The Beatles, Franz Ferdinand...you get the picture
G - GUMMY: Bubblicious bubble gum...i love to blow bubbles
H - HOMETOWN: San Diego, California...w00t!
I - INSTRUMENT: Used to play the Violin, and the piano...wish i handnt quit. i want to take up the drums...and do piano again
J - JUICE: Grape juice! and Pomagranet...yum
K - KIDS: someday i guess, but right now they are annoying...i know that now im a bad person for saying that...but they really are
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: hmm, ive taken really long ones before. the longest was a cross-country though...from miami florida to fountain hills arizona (five freggin days! Gah!)
M - MOM'S NAME: Natalie
N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: one sister, allison who is my best friend
O - ONE WISH: that i was prettier...hehe
P - PHOBIA(S): hieghts, big fish, and bugs
Q - QUOTE: There are alot of good ones out there, but i cant remember them right now (thats not the quote by the way)
R - REASON TO SMILE: cute boys and surfing! hehe, put the two together and they make a lovely combination!
S - SEXIEST FEATURE: hmmm...thats a hard one, i really dont know, dont have one i guess.
T - TIME YOU WAKE UP: GAH! freggin 6:15, on school days...on weekends usually around 11 or 12
U - UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME: i am a closet anime fan...oh, and im such a fan girl too. yeah, now im a nerd lol
V - VEGETABLE YOU HATE: Brocolli, ick...not very fond of it....but i like vegetables alot
W - WORST HABIT(S): i am a really bad procratinator, and im extremly lazy...if i wasnt so lazy about school work i know i would be getting straight A's instead of stupid A's and B's
Y - YUCKY FOOD: hmm, there isnt much out there i dont like....i used to hate mushrooms and bleu cheese, but that has since changed, so i have to yet find something i dont like...
Z - ZODIAC SIGN: horrah for scorpios!
yay! so there is my lovely little quiz thing...fun stuff. well today is friday and i am extremly happy about that. today at school i was so freggin tired! ah! i dont think i will ever get 6 hours of sleep on top of having volley ball. almost fell asleep in history. it took great self discipline (sp?) not to.
in physics today we had a test that was hard considering we covered like all of that material in like 1 week and mr. bob is a horrible teacher too. but he told me that i got one section perfect...i was happy about that. gah, i just cant wait to not have that class ever again. i hope that this year will be the last class of physics i will ever take in my life. i just dont like that subject what so ever. in english we have been reading Lord Of The Flies, i actually like that book alot. its really sad though considering my favorite character in that book died. not going to tell who, b/c i reccomend that book to all and i dont want to spoil it for anyone else. but as usual i couldnt help but get really sad when i read it. :( sorta like when i cried hysterically when my absolute favorite character died in the Harry Potter books...*weeps* wow, i feel really nerdy now. *hides*
i think i will leave now and stop boring you with all my random crap of my life. peachy aye? teehee, im hungy again, so i think i will go find something to eat and go watch a disney movie...yesterday i watched the little mermaid, perhaps it will be beauty and the beast today...or maybe alladin. could even be cinderella. i have had a recent craving to watch disney movies...evey one should go watch one too.
so now i really am leaving...love to all! <3