[Torn...sounds pissed.]
Jak; you're a dumbass.
Tell me at least we got some new information t'go off of, here.
[And...now to wait for Ashelin to come over and chew him a new asshole.
((ooc: I'm an idiot; Torn wouldn't be wearing his armor or his respirator because it would've slowed him down. He's not a stupid face. So he's missing his
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Comments 20
[He doesn't know you SO well, Torn, but anyone on his side dying is always bad.]
Yeah, it's damn near convenient. How nice'a the captain t'give us a second chance since he's gone and trapped us on his floatin' death trap.
I don't plan of makin' a habit of this, but I can't say it wasn' always an possibility doin' what I do.
Under his pillow?
...it's a shirt. That he has never seen before, at least that he can remember.]
I assume you are missing your personal effects, Torn.
...Which, can I assume y've stumbled on?
Yeah. Go find his boots.]
I do believe these are your size.
What are in my size?
I warned you.
You really think I wanted the whole boat knowing I'd died in there?
Ashelin's gonna kill me and that's gonna be my two deaths.
[Torn he is pissed at you for dying do you have any idea that you might be a bit important to Jak?]
Like getting out. Gettin' out was probably the first smart thing I seen you do on this tub and you go and...
I can't believe y'told 'em.
[It's thinly veiled, but yeah. He's glad you didn't follow him.]
[It's not even a question. It's Ashelin being pissy as Hell. Just when she'd gotten over it all. Sort of. Torn, you're a bad guy.
Meanwhile, she's going to be playing with a couple of knives, and toy with the idea of stabbing you with them.]
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