Fun Tiiimes!!! Playing because of
catling 1) Comment to this and I will give you 3 people. Specify whether you want women, men or one set of each.
2) Post this meme with your answers.
3) Provide pictures and the names of the 3 people I gave you.
4) Label which you would marry, which you would shag, and which you would throw off a cliff.
Here are my choices:
Fahruza Balk, Uma Thurman, Miranda Otto
The ladies were amusing because I only was familar with one of the names I was given. But after looking them up I realized I did know who they were, just didn't know their names.
Fahruza Balk ~Sleep with~ Sexy lips and curvy body um yeah. Cheeeck.
Uma Thurman ~Marry~ I've been told before we look alike. Marry myself? HOOOOT. ;)
Miranda Otto ~CLIFF!~ I don't like her for some reason. Maybe we look TOO much alike... and in the bad way.
Seth Green, James Marsters, Nathan Fillion
This was actually kind of hard... but only because I found a really sexy picture of Nathan Fillion that confused me on a deep internal level. Ultimatly I went with my gut instinct in the end... and gave him the cliff anyway.
Nathan Fillion ~DEATH!~ Bye bye sexy face.
Spike! Le Hotti-Pants!! ~FUCK~ No explanation needed for this hotness.
Seth Green ~MARRY!~ So generally speaking I have a terrible thing against all red headed men... but I make certain exceptions. Like Seth! He's probably like 6 inches shorter then me buuut... that's why we get married. We'll have lots of time to work out the height differences in the bedroom. MAGIC! ps... guyliner...HOT!